Friday, February 1, 2019

Hallucinatorical Discharge

The Most Recent Debacle has trump DENOUNCING the ENTIRE American Intelligence "Council", ONE of the Most Advanced and Sophisticated Espionage and Counter-Espionage INDUSTRIES the World can technologically offer.  After an inchoate lambasting trump "called in" his Intelligence Officers to continue his now deranged disparagement.  Then, as if in "All of a sudden", trump deludes that he and they ARE ON THE SAME PAGE - - - that They "mis-spoke", that They were,, "mis-quoted", that Their Words and Analysis WAS TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT :  but Now, rest assured, EVERYTHING IS HONKY-DORY, All IS WELL and LIFE IS GOOD !!!!

"Bewildering "  can't even approach this level of hallucinatorical discharge.

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