Thursday, February 7, 2019

...paranoid lethargy...

My head hurts.

I'm gonna head over to U.R.I. and swim until I almost drown.  I wanna work myself UP into a brain dead Low, that way I can receive the News with paranoid lethargy.

American Democrats, the rats, are "trying to find out who they are and WHAT they espouse".  Their Search of Soul is the Journey from Eden to Hell and Back Again.

Listen Kidz, I can't foresee ANY "Case" where Democracy ISN'T chained by Slavery and European Primal Migrant INVASION the SAME Invasion that Spain inflicted upon the Natives of what was to be Pope-d as South America. 

Invasion, Genocide and SLAVERY  ARE  what Made America "GREAT".

Just tell me how Democracy is gonna fix THAT .

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