Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Monkey See Monkey DON'T

One of my ambitions is to describe and explain, [ to teach] HOW to use your Work Mind to advance and deepen your Meditative Spirituality.  When you reach a True Meditative State, Wisdom "surfaces".  After 43 years of "activity" this "Process" is 2nd Nature to me.  When I don't write these blogs it ain't like I'm JUST sittin' on my fat fucking ass and doing NOTHIN'.  The World is my Classroom.  Questions and Conditions arise and issue forth in need of Answers and Explanations, only THEN can Understanding lead to full Comprehension.  The Value and WORTH of any Instructor is his or hers Ability to get from "Like This" to "Just Like This", which is The ESSENCE of Zen Reality.  For me, Education is SPIRITUAL.  Shit that Reality generates MUST be "dealt with" in order to maintain or in some instances RESTORE
Psychic Balance which on the Street is referred to as Peace and Harmony.  This aint no EZ task as you Kidz are well aware.  Fucked up things make us FUCKED-UP.  My job is to alleviate Suffering by offering specific Viewpoints that can aid in your Vision Ability to reconnoiter the Snares and Pitfalls of Political Reality.

While I was trying to restore Order in my Scaffolding, the Weight of the Status Quo Mass was upon me in CRUSHING manner.   I had "built" this Monster Scaffolding and it was arguing me to LEAVE IT THE FUCK ALONE.  Its SHEER-MASS was over-powering me.  I had to perform some SERIOUS lifting and UN-Screw Jobs, if I was to bring this MONSTER into compliant submission. 

You can see it rite ?   Guaranteeing Protection was now WORLD "Protectionism".

This fucking EZ "Job" was the Agent for World Transformation. 

All I had to do was figure it out. 

"Aye, there's the Rub"...

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