Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Please forgive an old man.  The series that began with "Frog Rock" got interrupted by a Kitchen Emergency that lasted several hours.  I an exceedingly uncomfortable when I write about the suppose-ed EZ shit that constitutes my Existence.   I wanted to make certain you Kidz understand that the True Nature of Existence involves, Meditation, Training, Work, and Research Into Self.  There IZ time to "Fuck OFF" but you gotta keep THAT to  BARE Minimum because you need "Fuck-Off" Time to enjoy BAD Sci-Fi Films and Martial Arts Horrendous...just to be clear.

I will return to Daily Activities, hopefully at Some Future Point, that aint where I'm taking you today. 

Since The Time Before Before I committed myself to countering the American's "State of the Union" with my own Address From Where I Sit.  Because I sit in front of the "Idiot Box", the "BOOB Tube",, for what seems like ENDLESS Hours,,, you can understand where I "come from" ;  the Realm of Politics and Heinous Suffering.  Yet I am obliged to include Poli-tickles because, sometimes,, the World is so stricken with HORROR,,, it's a Relief to "Make Fun Not Bore" ;  rather than languish in consideration of Ritual Suicide.

Be that as it may ~ ~ ~

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