Please forgive the interruption~~~ I had to get some rice, kim chee, and seaweed soup. I had planned to finish this with a few more blogs, the most important of which was one on "Personas", but now that I have a full belly, I'm more inclined to just sit and enjoy satiation, I WISH I could DO that but I must tie up a few loose ends.
Technically, Facts ARE Direct PHYSICAL Manifestations of TRUTH. Unfortunately, since Facts reside in Communication, Verbal and Written, Facts can be manipulated by "Interpretations". Here's the gag on That, "Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one." Also, Truth can be "Heaven Sent" or it can be sent from Hell. Either way, you can see the Problem. Somehow, by Definition, Truth can be both Right and Wrong at the exact same time. Look familiar ???? Facts, on the other hand are suppose to be irrefutable. Water freezes at 32 degrees Farenheit--- No one can fuck with that unless they go to Celcius. You see it, rite ?
Emanuel Kant, in his Critique of Pure Reason, insists that Truth itself, is dependent upon MAJORITY Agreement. It is absolutely ESSENTIAL that We agree that trump MUST BE STOPPED. Everything else MUST remain as ancillary consideration, at least until trump is deposed and BANISHED from American Soils and Territories FOR ALL ETERNITIES. If Moscow is his Elba, so must it be.
Rock steady........steady as She goes....
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