Saturday, February 9, 2019

Agents of the Sore

Here's where I'm taking you : ~

Trump "RUNS" a Nation by WATCHING TV and then USING THE INTERNET to Communicate his Dreams and Visions. 

HIS "Dream Reality" is OUR "Nightmare".  We are LIVING a DAYMARE. 

Elsewhere I have stated  that trump has a Medusa Charisma.  Folks are UNABLE to stand in front of him and confront him with the TRUTH.  Battle hardened GENERALS have chosen to SAVE THEMSELVES rather than Confront trump.  Trump has been SAVAGELY Successful at inflicting his political CRUELTY onto The Migrant Population AND HIS OWN NATION.  Trump has been able to manifest HIS Unconscious, the one of Jungle Law and Old Testament Atrocity, through the Use and Abuse of TV and the Internet which are his Electronic Agents of Mythological Terror.

Folks use to concrete, "I know its TRUE cuz I seen it on TV."

We have NOT "grown passed",  "I know that's it's true because I read it in a book".

Gutenberg and his Printing Press plus Movable Type opened Pandora's Box.

TV and the Internet are EXACTLY equal to the Printing Press and Movable Type.

You can see it rite ?  UNCONTROLLED Technology has "brought about" the New Dark Ages. 

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