Friday, February 1, 2019

Democratic Despotism

I'm at this again because I can't sleep, rather, the Universe keeps transmitting and my reception of Information prevents ANY chance to simply "Ignore".  You'd think that just because I said I wanted to Save Humankind the Universe woulda-just-sorta winked and let me nod out.  Instead, here I am at 2:54 U.S.A. Eastern Standard Earth Time.  I've been awake since ONE Thirty O'clock listening to an Information Stream that babbles and bubbles with Folk-Law Data.  How can that be ? 

One of my drafts opens with the utmost Hideous Condemnation of America.  I wrote :  Trump is living PROOF, that America is THE MOST Fucked-up Nation on EARTH. !  If America is so goddamned Democracy Perfect, then HOW can such a Perfect Democracy elect a "man" who is CRIMINALLY Insane ?  ~~~ A man who has PROVEN he wants nothing more than Democracy's Destruction AND who has taken EVERY measure to ENSURE that the Filth and Squalor of Democratic DESPOTISM
Permeates every cell of the American Body Politic AND its Mind as well. 

Power is a Drug and America is addicted.

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