Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Zen Bizarre of Oxymornic Logic

Trump attacks the Media, the very Media which provided him UNTOLD RICHES with regard and respect to TV SOCIALIZATION and Propaganda Inundation during his campaign.  He wishes HE could control the Media and the Internet in EXACTLY the Same Way as putin and xi.  Trump's REVELS in the Media Coverage and LOATHES it AT THE EXACT SAME TIME !!!  Anybody here recognize the Zen Bizarre of Oxymoronic Logic ?  

Here's what I struggle with :~   If TV IZ the Manifestations of UNCONSCIOUS Instincts, the Primal Ones, the Ones of  "Dog eat dog" and "Kill or BE killed",, and if these Primal Instincts ARE NOT CONTROLLED,,, then assholes like trump ascend to UNSPEAKABLE Power.

Here it is that Primal Instinctuality combines with Evolutionary Parentalism to generate a Patriarchal AUTHORITY that CANNOT be challenged.

The Man-Child of Civilization MUST resort to HIS Evolutionary Directive which is to KILL the Father and WED the "Mother", in this Cosmic Instance, Mother Nature and Her Twin Mother Earth.

Hello Oedipus, Mueller be thy Name.

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