Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Hammer Time in Hammerstein trump stood before HIS American and ass-stern-ed, "There ain't gonna be no SOCIALISM in OUR America."  The faces on the Folks That Stood Behind Him were spasm-ically askew in perplexity wrench.  Not ONE knew what the fuck Socialism was, not a one.  Trump's Words had hammered them into Ignorance Bliss.

Trump revealed PRECISELY what was needed to reconfigure Democracy and it WASN'T the "tic-tic-tic" of PETTY Influence, the one of "baby steps" and rattle mobiles.  The stubborn insistence that Values and Ideals can somehow MAGICALLY alter the Hardened Steel MASS of Status Quo ENORMITY is genuine in its AUDACITY.  Sticks and STONES break bones, Words can't EVER hurt we.

Socialism is needed to attack Despotism and to DEFEND Democracy.

It's Hammer Time in Hammerstein..... .

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