Thursday, February 7, 2019

...brain dead head...

Hitler genocides MILLIONS - - the "World" Unites and "It's OVER, over There".  Stalin gets control of "Russia" but there ain't no Unification, same with Pol Pot, and now same with al Assad.   I don't get it.  The U. N. was conceived to make the Earth UNITED in some form of fucked up Global Democracy and this Global Democracy has the United States as its Head, and now you GOTTA figure that this fucking head is brain dead.  Trump is fucking BRAIN DEAD.  Trump and his have caged THOUSANDS of CHILDREN and there is NO Sanction coming from the U. N. because the U.N. IZ American Democracy, the Democracy that is currently receiving putin Corruptionism as GLORIOUS "Self Evident". 

Look at this Kidz :=:  "Democracy" "got" Donald trump ELECTED.  Look at trump and what he's done to America and you GOTTA figure that not only is Democracy fucked-up, Democracy is DEAD.  You read it here first,

Democracy is DEAD !!!

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