Saturday, February 9, 2019

Steel Boot Iron Fist

One of the BIG Problems in China, according to Elizabeth Economy and her
The Third Revolution is the wholesale FLIGHT of Liberal Intelligence FROM China TO The West.  As soon as students get a Study Visa they boogie NEVER TO RETURN.  There is almost a WAIL from China's Scientific Community to OPEN the Gates to Other-World Intellectual Scholarship so that China can be FERITLZED by the potency of Western Research.  Xi IGNORES these Supplications and imposes State Censorship on ALL Internet Interactions.  Here, the State's Communism GUARANTEES Intellectual Stagnation.  The Same is True of China's Political Modernization "Plan", which anchors Revolution in The War On Corruption, a Corruption that parallels the Flight of the Intellect, the One where as soon as ANY "Wealth" is accumulated, that Wealth and its Operatives FLEE China, once again, NEVER to Return. 

Xi crushes the throat and Voice of the Young with his Steel Boot, while depriving them of ANY Western Influence with his Iron Fist.

Students challenge, "If Communism is so fucking GREAT why not TEST it against Western Political Ideations ?"

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