Tuesday, April 27, 2021

"Moving Rock" by Rocky Moover


It figures that some Students want to know if Sex is Possible in the Realm of Non-Corporeality.  I mean, how EARTHLY can ya' get ????.   According to the Greatest Tibetan Masters, Sex IHZ >>>>>> Available to the Enlightened `Horny`----------just so you know.  I find the question befuddlingly amusing.

That's it for me this morning.  I must leave you Kidz with some Info that is Spiritually Disconcerting and Egregiously Concrete.  "Nirvana and Samsara" are TECHNICALLY the Same.  Oddly, this Dogma is best Understood by Christ's "The Kingdom of Heaven is all around you."  It sucks that here, "Seeing" is NOT "Believing".   Zen Master Seung Sahn taught, "Moment to moment, everything is already correct.  Moment to moment, everything is already PERFECT."   Try to Grasp that.

Rock Steady....Steady as She goes....

"Beneath the Wheel"

        It is IMPERATIVE for me to re-state the Ultimate Goal of Buddhist Practice which is To Attain Enlightenment.  Here, however, Confusion is sown by Teachers who appear to withhold the True Nature of Enlightenment and instead forward its Romantic Value, the above mentioned 'Peace of Mind'.  Zen Masters advance Enlightenment as "Becoming One, Infinite Time, Infinite Space" where One-ness is Experienced as the "Mutual Interpenetration of Phenomena" on ALL Levels and in EVERY Dimension.  Here, Earthly Corporeality IHZ Maintained but One's Spirit gains Access to said Levels and Dimensions, allowing for Travel throughout the Universe as Ethereal Essence characterized by NON-Corporeality.  

The RESULT of Enlightenment IHZ Vital to Apprehending Its Essential.  Once you Attain Enlightenment you 'Get Off' the Wheel of Birth, Death and Re-Birth.  This THIS is WHY I and Others Practice Zen and Buddhism to 'begin-with'.  OBVIOUSLY, Suffering, as we know it exists in the Earthly Realm, is Experienced as "Cessation".  It is PROOF of the Third Noble Truth, "There is an END of Suffering".

The Enlightened are no longer subject to the Laws of Karma.

Miss Begot

 There are many 'Buddhist Groups' that lace the pages and edges of Academic Projection, they all have Good Intention, to Promote the Study of Buddhism and advance Personal Exploration of The Meditative Arts.  However, I have found GLARING Anomalies within the Output that bring a Sense of Dis-Illusion that results in Mis-Characterizations of Buddhist Dogma.  It is Here, where Folks are Mis-lead into believing that Meditation, in and of Itself, will lead to Peace of Mind.  There IHZ Peace of Mind SOMETIMES, but Experienced Practitioners KNOW that after Some Time Demons and Hungry Ghosts beset the Devoted, in the exact same way they had beset the Buddha-To-Be.  THIS SHIT IS NORMAL.  It IHZ, however, in the best Interest of the Teachers and the Students, if this Import is held in abeyance until the Student is Strong Enough to withstand the Onslaught of Demonic Intrusion.  That's just how it goes, and HAZ Gone since Earliest Beginnings.  

Mice Men

 I must begin at The Very End.  Here, we find Dr. William James's Wisdom-Laden Admonition,  "Life is what you make it."  One of the Folks posted that "Existence has no meaning."  I countered with, `Yet Meaning has Existence`.  

Back in the Yester-years of Long Ago Yore, the Middle to Late 70's, Hippie-ism had reached Ancient Questioning with a somewhat Rampant Exploratory Desire to Fathom the Nature of Existence in an Effort to Attain Peace of Mind.  Hippie Acolytes proselytized Drug Induced Cosmic Consciousness that was SUPPOSE-TO Relieve said Questioning by AFFIRMING Existence as the Worship of Love as Divine Spirituality.  `Love` was the Be-All and END ALL of Existence.  This Love was SUPPOSE-TO generate a Harmony that NEUTRALIZED Hatred, Bigotry, Racism and and ALL the Earth-born Societal EVILS.  As with ALL Idealistic Abstracts, it FAILED to confront REALISM, the Realism of Day-to-day ACTION, the one of the Industries of first Survival and then Maintenance.  Hippies figured Communal Living With Idealistic Intent would suffice as Earth Moving FORCE.  Was it Robert Burns who scorned, "The best laid plans of Mice and Men oft go astray" ?

"Questions 67 and 68"


As if the Pandemic isn't Enough, I have found Folks questioning Existence in such a way that can only generate chronic Despondency.  This Despondency is suffused with mis-representations of Buddhist Canon that acts as a retardant to growth toward True Understanding thereby inhibiting Attainment by causing an UN-healthy Confusion.  

Questioning the Origin Of All Life has NO TRUE BENEFIT with Regard to One's Efforts to Manage Suffering by adhering to the 8-Fold Noble Path---indeed when Monks questioned the Bless-ed One, His Response was the now famous "Silence".  The Buddha simply stated "When you are sick, there is no need to ask who it was that manufactured the Healing Medicine.  It is of utmost Importance that the Medicine be ingested and THAT should be enough."

And yet, Problems remain.

Friday, April 16, 2021

The Year The Earth Stood Still

 It's not exactly that I hate "eating crow".  `Cracker` Joe Biden and his have managed to exceed 'Design Parameters' with EXCEPTIONAL Results. >> "Hail To The Chief" << .  Anger, Resentment, Bitterness and Cynicism, Food for the Most Miserable Among Us, may be All That's Necessary for a PROSPEROUS Debilitating Malaise but like all Nourishment, it's good ONLY "Until Supply Lasts".  Joe has kept his Word, Commendable, if not flat-out Virtuous, in these Times of Death, Decay, Destruction and Demise.  Things are going 'Well' in the `War On Covid`, much to my, check that, OUR Relief.

I'm writing this morning to CONFESS to what I THOUGHT to be GOOD Intention, but what whuz to be GROTESQUE ABOMINATION, a GLOBAL Pandemic that has LITERALLY "Stopped the World".  The April Issue of Time Magazine features "The Lost Year ~~  How the Pandemic has Changed a Generation of Students" ~~~~~~~~~~  This View is short-sighted at BEST, at Worst, EGREGIOUSLY Erroneous as far as Civilization-al EARTH is Concerned.  `Catastrophic` get us Close :: "Earth Shattering" even closer.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

"A Little goes a l-o-n-g way."

 President Biden and his American democraps are `intentioning` an Infra-Structure Bill that includes "the Kitchen Sink".  It WILL Sink.  Republicans are already calling "FOUL" due to its EXCESSIVE Broad Extension-ing of the Definition of 'Infra-STRUCTURE'.  It's TOO MUCH .  When yous see a Cat D6 being Operated by a SKILLED Excavator you can't help but notice the `Short` distances full blade Pushes are executed.  The Design Parameters of this MONSTER Bulldozer REQUIRE these Short Distances to MAXIMIZE Engine Power.  When stripping loam over half and full acres the Excavator scrapes then  PILES the loam and when an area is completed he then advances the PILE >blade by blade< to the next location, always with the BIGGG View in Vision.  This "A little at a time" is COSMIC ABSOLUTE.  Here, Efficiency IHZ Simplicity and the GREATEST Results are EASILY Obtained. 

That's it for now.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes........


Elsewhere I have touted  Zen as being `Common Sense Spirituality` and therefore Worthy of Governmental Consideration, i.e., Zen as Ruling PHILOSOPHY.  Here, "I draw water, I carry wood" becomes Foundational Bedrock upon which Common Sense > the SHARED Rationality of "Do what MUST be done" <  can be Advantaged as First GUIDING Principle.  Zen ISN'T 'Simple' but nor is It 'Complex'.  If there ihz Pride in Zen it manifests as WELCOMING Simplicity as EXISTENTIAL NECESSITY.  When Zen is properly Applied, Clean Water, Clean Air, Food, Housing, Electrical Power, Heat and Hot Water are correctly Identified as "Right Karma", Karma being the Actuality of Cosmic Intelligence as Universal LAW.  In This, "Infrastructure" can and SHOULD-BE Recognized as UNIVERSAL ESSENTIAL .  Here, Roadways, Bridges and Railways from Farms to Villages are NECESSARY for the Delivery of Goods that ALL HUMANS NEED to Sustain Existence.  Indeed, Civilization can be Judged by Its Devotion to Supply Lines and Transportation Avenues.  


 Failure to Respond to the 'Demands of the Times' is somehow being GLORIFIED as "Right Thinking" according to American Fundamentalists-- the republicans, conservatives and red-necks whose Mentality dwells in the filth and squalor of degenerative Intellection, the one of Irrationality, Pathos and  Craven Irresponsibility.  They Insist, `No Future is NECESSARY` >>  that only "Just Now" (to fire the Truth of Zen Canon), is ALL that Matters.  This flagrant VIOLATION of Zen Understanding is both True and False at the Exact Same Time.  The thing ihz, this Understanding does NOT Contain the Entirety of Zen Apprehension bc "Just Now", at its Essence,, is the Intersection of the "Three Worlds" ::: Past, Present and Future, which are All >>>ONGOING<<<  meaning, The Past is FULLY Functioning in the EXACT SAME WAY as the Present and by Extrapolation, the Future.  Zen Buddhist Quantum Mechanics DEMANDS that the Future imposes Its Will onto or upon the Present in the EXACT SAME WAY as the Past, and without the 'Influence' of the Future ,,, the Present CANNOT Exist as STABLE Reality.


 The Existential Problem with what I have tagged `American Fundamentalism` is the EXACT SAME "Problem" of the Muslim Civilization, of which, 'Mohammedanism' reigns as Ruling Authority,  This Problem can and SHOULD-BE Identified as Belief in a World View that does NOT Value the 'Future' as VIABLE Socio-Political `Condition`.   Muslims consider TIME, Itself, as the ENEMY OF THE STATE, since Time as Distance DECREASES Spiritual Intimacy with Mohammed and Allah.  When America is Viewed as Washington-Ism, that Same MUST-BE 'held' as Truth.  Here it iz that Washington AS SLAVE OWNER actually DEFINES the Confederacy of the Civil War AND the Present Day NEO-Confederacy that DEMANDS a RETURN to Antebellum Socio-Political Jurisprudence, a Jurisprudence that allows almost a SANCTITY for Slavery Capitalism, the BEDROCK of Southern (Agrarian) Industry.  Here it is where Fundamentalism, the Abject BELIEF that the Past is PERFECT and NEED NOT BE CHANGED has virtually CRIPPLED  Those who adhere to this Belief as WORLD VIEW.  Here it is where CHANGE  is CRIMINAL Liability --- a Something that should be Avoided AT ALL COST.  

Friday, April 2, 2021

"And the Wind cries Mary."


The remaining 10% of my Christology involves Jesus's Relationship to (Pre-Saint) Mary Magdalene.  In my effort to 'make' Jesus a Universal Joe, I must Insist on the Templar Exaction, that Jesus and Mary were Married, as wuz Fit in Those Days, according to Jewish Orthodoxy.  Once again, there Exists Irrefutable Scholarship that Jesus's PRIMARY Disciple was MARY who was the ONLY ONE Capable of Receiving and APPREHENDING Christ's SECRET Teaching.  The Secret Teaching being, of course, Mahayana Quantum Mechanical SPIRITUAL Physics.  

I must leave this here.  I've Cleaning and Clearing to attend to.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....


 CAUTION must be exerted in order to preserve a modicum of Intellectual and Scholarly Decency with regard to the Assertion that "Resurrection" MEANS "Reincarnation".  Every Easter I Struggle with that THAT.  Supposedly, the Resurrection is PROOF of Christ's Teaching, that there IIIZZZ "Life After Death" a Buddhist fucking YAWN .   There is COMPELLING Scholarship that has uncovered Evidence that the Teaching of Christ DID, in fact, `involve` Reincarnation, the so-called Transmigration of Soul.  I mean, I BELIEVE, I couldn't 'be' a Buddhist without such  PRIMAL Intimacy. 

Here it is where Christ's Secret Teaching is properly aligned with BUDDHIST Canon.  

In this I Revel.

Parable Proof

 90% of my Christology is based upon a Monograph titled, The Unknown Life Of Jesus Christ, by a (certain) Nicolas Notovitch.  Various and sundry Texts have concerned themselves with Christ's so-called "Missing Years" because of the SPAN between Christ as Child Prodigy and His reinsertion into Synoptic Orthodoxy which began with His Ministry.  WTF wuz `goin' ON` during those Missing Years ?  

According to Notovitch, He and and Uncle followed the Trade Routes to Tibet, where Jesus Studied Buddhism and Received "Transmission", the Great Enlightenment.  Further, He Refined His Teaching to accord with Buddha's "Mind To Mind" Actuality, the One where both the Body and Mind `come to` Grasp Each Teaching's Essence, the BEST of Which are found in the Parables, which are Zen Koan Like in their Construction AND Delivery.  For me, THAT was ALL the Proof I needed to `make` Jesus a Zen Master.

"Sword of No Sword"

 I spent, check that, I Devoted ten years of my Life searching for Evidence of Zen and Zen Sword IN the Old and New Testaments, and Ancient Esoteric Christianity, Gnosticism, specifically.  The Zen was There but not Sword in the Martial Arts Sense, but as a Spiritual Metaphor.  Jesus once chastised, "I come not with Peace in Mind but with a Sword".  "Mind Sword", THAT'S EXACTLY what Shin Gum Do IZ, the "Mind Sword Path".  

I wanted to Place Sword in a Spiritual Context OUTSIDE the Physical Realm of Death and Destruction, so that Folks could Appreciate Its primarily SPIRITUAL Essence and as such feel RELIEVED that the Study of Sword WASN'T just for Physical Protection.  I wanted to point to Specific Passages that Revealed Sword's DIVINE `Application`.  I had scant Success, but It wuz Enough to allay my Fears that Sword had NO Spiritual Ties to Christ's Secret Teaching.

"Get Smart"

  There's a Gag that is punishingly funny that PROBABLY has NO Place in Traditional Scripture, BUT....  One of Jesus's Disciples has worked himself uP into a FRENZY and he figure he needs to ARM himself.  In a frantic furor he wails on Jesus, "I think we needs Swords, I'm figurin' to sell my robes and cloak to get them."  Jesus goes Steve Martin and sarcasts, "Buy TW O".   Rich Stuff even if it IIIIZ `Crucifix Humor`.

I most CERTAINLY give that BIG D Credit DESPITE the moronic imbecility of thinking he's Single-Handedly, gonna take on a Roman Cohort.   

I'm also CERTAIN Jesus had the thought, "OH MY FUCKING GOD IS THIS NIT WIT SERIOUS !!!  He felt BAD, shit, He MUST have, but then "Get TWO" is laden with a Humor that MUST-BE considered Adorable.  

I fucking LOVE that about Jesus.  

"Meanwhile, back at the Ranch..."


For my Betterment AND to my Detriment  I Obsess during Holy Week for Easter Sunday.  I am prone to a Belief that the Risen One MAY stop by to chat and enjoy a multitude of Snacks, Ranch Doritos among His fav.  For this to happen the Residence MUST-BE `Temple Clean & Buddhist Clear`.  When you grow-uP Catholic, and AFTER you've lived in a Buddhist Temple, the exhortation "Cleanliness is next to Godliness" rings out as Divine Absolute and for me Prophecy.  It `looks like` "Field Of Dreams" Faith:  Clean It and He will Come.

As far as the Outdoors `goes`, there is a Line in The Gospel of Thomas that is Zen fucking PERFECT :

"Look beneath each Rock, and There you will find Him."