It figures that some Students want to know if Sex is Possible in the Realm of Non-Corporeality. I mean, how EARTHLY can ya' get ????. According to the Greatest Tibetan Masters, Sex IHZ >>>>>> Available to the Enlightened `Horny`----------just so you know. I find the question befuddlingly amusing.
That's it for me this morning. I must leave you Kidz with some Info that is Spiritually Disconcerting and Egregiously Concrete. "Nirvana and Samsara" are TECHNICALLY the Same. Oddly, this Dogma is best Understood by Christ's "The Kingdom of Heaven is all around you." It sucks that here, "Seeing" is NOT "Believing". Zen Master Seung Sahn taught, "Moment to moment, everything is already correct. Moment to moment, everything is already PERFECT." Try to Grasp that.
Rock Steady....Steady as She goes....