Tuesday, April 13, 2021


 The Existential Problem with what I have tagged `American Fundamentalism` is the EXACT SAME "Problem" of the Muslim Civilization, of which, 'Mohammedanism' reigns as Ruling Authority,  This Problem can and SHOULD-BE Identified as Belief in a World View that does NOT Value the 'Future' as VIABLE Socio-Political `Condition`.   Muslims consider TIME, Itself, as the ENEMY OF THE STATE, since Time as Distance DECREASES Spiritual Intimacy with Mohammed and Allah.  When America is Viewed as Washington-Ism, that Same MUST-BE 'held' as Truth.  Here it iz that Washington AS SLAVE OWNER actually DEFINES the Confederacy of the Civil War AND the Present Day NEO-Confederacy that DEMANDS a RETURN to Antebellum Socio-Political Jurisprudence, a Jurisprudence that allows almost a SANCTITY for Slavery Capitalism, the BEDROCK of Southern (Agrarian) Industry.  Here it is where Fundamentalism, the Abject BELIEF that the Past is PERFECT and NEED NOT BE CHANGED has virtually CRIPPLED  Those who adhere to this Belief as WORLD VIEW.  Here it is where CHANGE  is CRIMINAL Liability --- a Something that should be Avoided AT ALL COST.  

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