Friday, April 2, 2021

"Sword of No Sword"

 I spent, check that, I Devoted ten years of my Life searching for Evidence of Zen and Zen Sword IN the Old and New Testaments, and Ancient Esoteric Christianity, Gnosticism, specifically.  The Zen was There but not Sword in the Martial Arts Sense, but as a Spiritual Metaphor.  Jesus once chastised, "I come not with Peace in Mind but with a Sword".  "Mind Sword", THAT'S EXACTLY what Shin Gum Do IZ, the "Mind Sword Path".  

I wanted to Place Sword in a Spiritual Context OUTSIDE the Physical Realm of Death and Destruction, so that Folks could Appreciate Its primarily SPIRITUAL Essence and as such feel RELIEVED that the Study of Sword WASN'T just for Physical Protection.  I wanted to point to Specific Passages that Revealed Sword's DIVINE `Application`.  I had scant Success, but It wuz Enough to allay my Fears that Sword had NO Spiritual Ties to Christ's Secret Teaching.

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