Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Mice Men

 I must begin at The Very End.  Here, we find Dr. William James's Wisdom-Laden Admonition,  "Life is what you make it."  One of the Folks posted that "Existence has no meaning."  I countered with, `Yet Meaning has Existence`.  

Back in the Yester-years of Long Ago Yore, the Middle to Late 70's, Hippie-ism had reached Ancient Questioning with a somewhat Rampant Exploratory Desire to Fathom the Nature of Existence in an Effort to Attain Peace of Mind.  Hippie Acolytes proselytized Drug Induced Cosmic Consciousness that was SUPPOSE-TO Relieve said Questioning by AFFIRMING Existence as the Worship of Love as Divine Spirituality.  `Love` was the Be-All and END ALL of Existence.  This Love was SUPPOSE-TO generate a Harmony that NEUTRALIZED Hatred, Bigotry, Racism and and ALL the Earth-born Societal EVILS.  As with ALL Idealistic Abstracts, it FAILED to confront REALISM, the Realism of Day-to-day ACTION, the one of the Industries of first Survival and then Maintenance.  Hippies figured Communal Living With Idealistic Intent would suffice as Earth Moving FORCE.  Was it Robert Burns who scorned, "The best laid plans of Mice and Men oft go astray" ?

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