Tuesday, April 27, 2021

"Beneath the Wheel"

        It is IMPERATIVE for me to re-state the Ultimate Goal of Buddhist Practice which is To Attain Enlightenment.  Here, however, Confusion is sown by Teachers who appear to withhold the True Nature of Enlightenment and instead forward its Romantic Value, the above mentioned 'Peace of Mind'.  Zen Masters advance Enlightenment as "Becoming One, Infinite Time, Infinite Space" where One-ness is Experienced as the "Mutual Interpenetration of Phenomena" on ALL Levels and in EVERY Dimension.  Here, Earthly Corporeality IHZ Maintained but One's Spirit gains Access to said Levels and Dimensions, allowing for Travel throughout the Universe as Ethereal Essence characterized by NON-Corporeality.  

The RESULT of Enlightenment IHZ Vital to Apprehending Its Essential.  Once you Attain Enlightenment you 'Get Off' the Wheel of Birth, Death and Re-Birth.  This THIS is WHY I and Others Practice Zen and Buddhism to 'begin-with'.  OBVIOUSLY, Suffering, as we know it exists in the Earthly Realm, is Experienced as "Cessation".  It is PROOF of the Third Noble Truth, "There is an END of Suffering".

The Enlightened are no longer subject to the Laws of Karma.

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