Tuesday, April 27, 2021

"Questions 67 and 68"


As if the Pandemic isn't Enough, I have found Folks questioning Existence in such a way that can only generate chronic Despondency.  This Despondency is suffused with mis-representations of Buddhist Canon that acts as a retardant to growth toward True Understanding thereby inhibiting Attainment by causing an UN-healthy Confusion.  

Questioning the Origin Of All Life has NO TRUE BENEFIT with Regard to One's Efforts to Manage Suffering by adhering to the 8-Fold Noble Path---indeed when Monks questioned the Bless-ed One, His Response was the now famous "Silence".  The Buddha simply stated "When you are sick, there is no need to ask who it was that manufactured the Healing Medicine.  It is of utmost Importance that the Medicine be ingested and THAT should be enough."

And yet, Problems remain.

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