Friday, April 2, 2021

Parable Proof

 90% of my Christology is based upon a Monograph titled, The Unknown Life Of Jesus Christ, by a (certain) Nicolas Notovitch.  Various and sundry Texts have concerned themselves with Christ's so-called "Missing Years" because of the SPAN between Christ as Child Prodigy and His reinsertion into Synoptic Orthodoxy which began with His Ministry.  WTF wuz `goin' ON` during those Missing Years ?  

According to Notovitch, He and and Uncle followed the Trade Routes to Tibet, where Jesus Studied Buddhism and Received "Transmission", the Great Enlightenment.  Further, He Refined His Teaching to accord with Buddha's "Mind To Mind" Actuality, the One where both the Body and Mind `come to` Grasp Each Teaching's Essence, the BEST of Which are found in the Parables, which are Zen Koan Like in their Construction AND Delivery.  For me, THAT was ALL the Proof I needed to `make` Jesus a Zen Master.

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