Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Miss Begot

 There are many 'Buddhist Groups' that lace the pages and edges of Academic Projection, they all have Good Intention, to Promote the Study of Buddhism and advance Personal Exploration of The Meditative Arts.  However, I have found GLARING Anomalies within the Output that bring a Sense of Dis-Illusion that results in Mis-Characterizations of Buddhist Dogma.  It is Here, where Folks are Mis-lead into believing that Meditation, in and of Itself, will lead to Peace of Mind.  There IHZ Peace of Mind SOMETIMES, but Experienced Practitioners KNOW that after Some Time Demons and Hungry Ghosts beset the Devoted, in the exact same way they had beset the Buddha-To-Be.  THIS SHIT IS NORMAL.  It IHZ, however, in the best Interest of the Teachers and the Students, if this Import is held in abeyance until the Student is Strong Enough to withstand the Onslaught of Demonic Intrusion.  That's just how it goes, and HAZ Gone since Earliest Beginnings.  

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