Sunday, June 30, 2024

"Fetchin' Gretchen"

                             For me , it's Newsom {New Some} and  Gretchen Whitmer {Wit More} .  

              Recall Kenndy's YOUTHFUL Appearance ?   Remember how fucking BAD Nixon appeared during their "one shot" "Deal or No Deal" ???    Newsom has CHARISMA and Gretchen has Machisma .   Newsom is a Santa Clara grad and Witmer `is outta` Michigan State, OBVIOUSLY not "Ivy" clad .    The Jesuits at Santa Clara can be PROUD of their "Son" and Michigan State can be ECSTATIC over their Daughter  .   

              Know this :  Background is FOREGROUND  --- the Foundation of one's Personage DEFINES  one's Genetics,,  meaning when you plant an acorn you're gonna get an OAK .    

             "Hans and Franz" couldn't revitalize Joe ,  "You ain't-gonna make a steak from ground chuck".

              It takes YEARS to recover from GROTESQUE Humiliation--- we ain't-got that much time.

              "It's NOW or NEVER" .


Shattered and Scattered

                              Biden Loyalists are spit-worn* when they suggest that they "circle the wagons" to defend Joe .    They have chosen to IGNORE the FACT that Joe's wagon has been blown fucking uP and lies on the prairie scattered in SHATTERED  ruins .   Ain't no Repair gonna fix THAT .   Here is some Street and Gutter Wisdom :  "... you put 4 grand into a worthless junk all you're gonna get is a 4 grand JUNK ."  



The Thunder Down Under

                             When I 'speak' of Physics I mean it this way :   Shakespeare used "Sound and Fury" for Description and added his opinion which was :  "...signifying nothing".   Here, Trump EPITOMIZED "...sound and fury...' but HIS result was NOT "nothing" but {fucking} EVERYTHING !!!!

              Trump's words did NOT "matter" .    It was his SOUND that DID Matter .   This "Sound" had penetrative capability, in the exact same way that "Bunker Busters" = Bombs that penetrate the ground and then explode at fathomable depths .   Joe had NO Defense for trump's Physics .   Trump's words were like THUNDERCLAPS ---  his Lies >> Lightning Bolts .   


"Beach Blanket Bingo"

                             There is a "Physics" of Sensation .  Trump's entry onto the stage and his casual saunter to the podium/PULPIT was SENSATIONAL .   He had nothing on his face save the UTMOST  SCORN and {rabbid} CONTEMPT for the `puny weakling` Joe exemplified .    Trump was "on the beach" all set to "kick sand" in Joe's bleached face -- which he did with SUPREME Bully-ship* .   Here it was that Size DID matter, in that trump  was "LARGE and in Charge" .   

"I" Sore

                             Is it Joe's EGO ????  You gotta wonder .   

               When asked about Joe's near "shit-the-bed" non-performance,, Bob Woodward stubbornly insisted that the CAUSE of Joe's MUST be determined BEFORE he is expelled by the Democrat's 'Council of Elders' .    I don't give a FUCK about the 'Cause' .   Joe didn't just "Fail", he HUMILIATED himself in front of an entire Nation .   Trump grabbed Joe by his throat and beat him senseless .  According to me and MY Mind, there ain't no "Comeback" for 'that' .


Friday, June 28, 2024

"A Roomful of Blues"


                              We all know that Pat Benatar stopped doing R+R .  Only some of us know that she chose, instead, to be the 'Front Woman' for a [BIG Band] named "Roomful of Blues" a Rhode Island outfit with IMPECCABLE "Swing and BIG Band" Authenticity .  

                 That's what Joe MUST do .   Get out, Tap out, SURRENDER and assume the Role of Political Cleric and Sage;  a "Dwelling" in which he is aptly suited .

                  We hired Joe to END the Corona Virus SLAUGHTER, which he DID with Anti-Hysterical MAGNIFICENCE !!!!!!!!! .   Let THAT be his Legacy .  

Rock Steady, Steady az She Goze .


"See Spot run . Run Spot run. Spot runs fast ."

                             In absolutely BRILLIANT {inane} Profundity..  Morning Joe framed "it" this way :  "Joe can run the Country he just can't run for President ."

                In Maternal "Unconditional Love", Morning Mika responded;  "I'm not ready to 'give-up-' on Joe."

                The Moron and Moroness figured 'It' was all kidnergarden* shit .  They were, however, DELIGHTED there were folks out there who were MORE moronic than they --- indeed, they even made a 'funny' : =   "Those two [Biden and trump] put the MORE in moronic ."





POP goes the Weevil

                              Trump hit Joe with so many 'lefts' Joe st-st-started b-b-b BEGGING for a ruh-ruh 'right'  .

              Joe couldn't even "Rope-a-Dope"--the way Ali did against Spinks .   Joe sustained blow after blow--becoming a punching bag for a bigger and STRONGER opponent .   In Boxing parlance :  Joe couldn't "Get Off" where "Get Off" means to inflict damage by being on the OFFENSE, i.e., striking FIRST    and    >>> EFFECTIVELY   "Counter-punching" .   We've all seen those matches where the Champ "bides" his time while waiting to deliver a "Sunday Punch" that would end the contest in gloried Victory .

              "They" told us Joe was in Training Camp to prepare for the Debate .   You gotta ask , "Is Truth 'Stronger than Dirt' ?"    You gotta answer :   NO FUCKING WAY !!!!!!! 



Sympathy for the bedeviled

                             I aint got me no sympathy for Biden >>>> he KNEW "what he was getting into" --- he had MORE than enough time to prepare .   And yet .........................................and yet .

"12 O-Clock High"

                             Sifu* (Chines for Master) Babbit's  Kung  Fu  class was in the basement of his restaurant .   The floor was CONCRETE .   We had to spar every class and being dropped to the floor was NOT an option .   When you learn to fight on Concrete it fucking TEMPERS you and isn't that the deal once defined by DeNiro in his "Taxi Driver" (?)   = = =  "...anybody, anyWHERE,, anytime."    

                Was Joe ANYWHERE NEAR a "Street Fight" in his ENTIRE Life ?????????  I seriously doubt it, since his "Situational Awareness" was extravagantly ABSENT .   He may know how to negotiate , but he is no match even for a "Paper Bag" .  

                What's worse, he brought a squirt gun to a Sword Dual .

The Wholly Ghost


                              I told you qool qats, some time ago, that Biden was tooo fucking old to sustain political viability --- last night was sordid Proof .  

                     I'm in my 73rd orbit around Sol and I fucking KNOW both my Body AND my Mind .  Joe does NOT know his "Limitations" .    He crippled on his walk to the podium --- he looked like Casper the delinquent Ghost and that's exactly what he was = = = a GHOST of his Former Self .   I was instantly sickened ........ .

                     All through his st-st-stuttering and m-m-mumbling he represented the exact WORST of all that geriatric imbecility manifests = = = the Inabilities of addle-ship and dotardry* .   His aides claim he was suffering from a terrible "cold"---  he was suffering all-rite and so were we .

                     The most used adjective to describe Joe was >>>>> TERRIBLE .

                      Morning Joe said, he had NEVER seen such a NON-Performance in his entire political career .

                      Remember Nixon versus Kennedy ???   I do .   Nixon LOOKED Terrible and it cost him.



Sunday, June 16, 2024

Conduct `becoming` of a Confucian Scholar

                         To "modernize" ancient stories by imposing Ancient Wisdom into already ANCIENT "Tales, Fables, Myths and Legends"--- I mean shit-- the fucking IRONY is off the fucking SCALE .  Oh well .

             I mean the fucking IRONY is also OFF THE SCALE !!! ... to "modernize" by ancientsizing* {from the transitive verb :  To Ancientsize} {{ to deepen the meaning of Reality [the Present] by introducing elements of the (longview*) Past }} .  

             What do you think ?


Aesop's Fables

                              I awoke to myself reciting a line from this morning's Efforts .   The Universe-----again .

              Some time ago the thought 'arrived' that I could harness the I Ching to Aesop in order to produce a text that would supply adult readers with the ancient Chinese Wisdom [and its Bounty], so they could 'get' Something from Aesop's "Bottom Lines" .   One of Aesop's  (pronounced E-SOW) stories would be followed by an I Ching (pronounced "Yee Jing")  Commentary that would locate the Position of the Story as one of the I Ching's  64 Hexagrams .   

               At first I thought >>> WHAT A GREAT FUCKING IDEA--- but it didn't take long for "Daunt" to arrive as well .   Who (the fuck) has even HEARD of the I Ching let alone read its Contents ?  

               My "Modern Novels" Professor and Chairman of the U.Conn. English Department, Dr. Moynahan,,  `told` me my shit was good enough but that I had-ta "create" my own Audience .  Dr. Ken Ring, my Psychology Professor `told` me that it was the job of Modern Writers to >adjust< the ancient stories in order to make them  Relevant to contemporary readers .   

               I mean with such a laudable Aim, what could possibly go rwong* ??


Friday, June 14, 2024

Sidewalk Gawk

                             It's taken some Time to realize {Real Eyes} that the Property I maintain CAN be a  Form  {Manifestation}  of,  what  I  will  label,   a  'Sidewalk  Ministry' .    Recall  the 1st Definition of Zen =  "A Special Transmission outside the Scriptures, with no Dependence on Words or Letters" .   Here it is where the Experience of Zen can be actualized by mere Gazing [ in this instance, on the gardens, and areas I have 'brought in' from the Emerald Beyond ] .

            Know this about 'Temple Life' ::  When-ever you have "free" Time, otherwise recorded as, "Luxury Time" in Buddhism, you are EXPECTED to use that Time to enhance the Beauty of the Temple and its Grounds .    So it is with me .   These Grounds are TEMPLE Grounds, and as such, are Sacred .   Any Activity performed and/or conducted on the Grounds, whether it is maintenance or creative,,  is a manifestation of Love, properly identified as Devotion .    I believe it is singular to me, that I want these Grounds to be as Beautiful as I can get them in order to entice the Celestial Beings to Visit and bestow Their Blessings upon me and my Effort.  I am selfish -- Believe it .


"... a good day to TRY !"

                              "I just flew in from L.A, and BOY are my arms tired."

             The Eminent Kung Fu Master revealed, "When the Heart overflows with Love, then there is Poetry ~~~~ then there is Music."

              These days have passed like no others~~~~~~ .   The Air has been sweet with Honeysuckle, and crystal clear, as in the Dead of Winter .   Spring Colors burst in explosive bombardment, greens everywhere in Jungle-Running Thickness, and TRUE Ocean Depth .   

               After 15 million inauthentic dazes, I was finally able to 'put-together' a Garden for Saint Francis beneath a North American Red Cedar that also has,, as it's lead-up-walk-to,, a Cross made from tiles that were scattered about the property, and which, initially, I had NO Clue as to their application .  I placed the tiles on ancient, black, over-sized shingles I found at the side of the road .   The lead-up is soft yet STUNNING  and rings Heart Bells as Truth .   From some movie somewhere, "Some days,, the Magic Works."



Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Mr. Oxy Moron

                              I've never heard of  "Half Tilt*",,,  have you ?   I SUPPOSE      ' running FULL TILT '  means   you are like the ball in a pinball machine, acting all qrayzee* and shit, "bouncing off the walls" as it were, trust me when I tell you I am NOT "bouncing off the walls" when I perform the tasks at hand !!!  I mean if a SNAIL could "bounce off the walls" then put me in on THAT .  Hmmmm  Snail Power, they don't call me  Oxy  Moron* for nothin' .

              I have yet to refine the so-called "Essences of Old Age"......... I mean,,,,  there's THAT .

              I personally find it BIZARRE, that I must Plan everything from getting to a seated position,, to planning HOW to raise myself WITHOUT the SCREAM-OF-PAIN from my spinal erectors and mid-thoracic webs .   This ain't just "Once a day", it's EVERY FUCKING TIME .  

              There's an old gag from "The Ed Sullivan Show" .   A guy is in with his Doc.  He complains, "It hurts when I do this".  The doc snaps back, "Well DON'T DO THAT !"  

              Ba dup bum .


Miss Poke

                             How's this (?) :   `As a writer I sentence myself to sentencing` .   Is that stupit ?   I had to twist and bend >sentencing< for the gag to work .   I was searching for the elusive "First Sentence" that starts the Creative Engine which powers  text production .   I mean I HAD the topic :  ~~ No one prepared me for Old Age ~~  not  something  you're gonna find in a HS textbook or college Manual-On-Life .   My own version of "The Manual for Life" finds itself in this :  `How To Watch TV` .  Bizarre ?  I thought so too .

            I had to retire to the bedroom chamber at 7:30 last evening---even the Qittens were surprised, they asked, "Papa, what the fuck is RWONG with you ???"  I answered, I'm a "Crispy Critter".  I'm BURNT, and I can't keep my eyes open .   They had no response . 

            I've been going "Full Tilt" which make absolutely NO Sense, since when you're "banging them pleasure machines" and you are too 'flipper' aggressive the "TILT" appears and it's "Game Over".  Well that DIDN'T happen .   I bought a Special Dose/Blend of THC that is Aggressively Sublime, meaning, it supplies an Energy that supports your Will to such a degree that you FEEL that you are SUPER-Human >>>Operational<<< .  Thing is, there's a Price to Pay .   I'm paying it today .




Friday, June 7, 2024

Apollo Pi

                              The Universe has been sending me Answers to questions I asked Seasons ago .   The Info is arriving at an alarming rate .   'Stand-alone' Info has relative Value because it lacks MEANING .   Once Meaning has been established THEN that Info is transformed into Knowledge but even Knowledge has its shortcomings with regard to APPLICATION, i.e., what the fuck do you DO with It ????

            NASA Engineers are seated at a conference table, the Mission Control Manager dumps a box of Filtration items onto the table and furies , "MAKE ME A CO2 SCRUBBER!" .   THAT'S where  I  am "at"---having all the Items for a BYG* Something but NOT the Condition for Execution .

             I know what I'm doing but I can't get it done .   "Uhhh Houston ?  We have a Problem".

No Brain, No Gain

                             It's not exactly the Writing Season, but I have been waiting for a 'first sentence' to arrive so that I can alleviate some Guilt .   Well, the ''first sentence DID arrive an it is this :  Writing requires {DEMANDS} Inspiration, Motivation, Focus and, most of all, Commitment .    You quidz* KNOW I'm lazy so THAT'S a Problem .   I wait around to be SUPER Inspired [where Spirit is INSIDE Inspiration] so that  I  write  my  BEST  stuff {relative to the reader of course} and NOT the B- C+ shit that passes as Effort .   

             Despite a GRUELING {for me} outdoor Pace, I have awakened at 2 for the past few nights .   I know what it means = it's the Same as the headaches I receive piggy-backed upon Universal Message .   Yet,,, given the choice between putting my thoughts up and onto the screen, and getting outdoors to experience the Sounds + Fragrances of Early Summer Beauty ~~~ it's sorta a "No Brainer".   

             Still, I carry the Load of Good Intention, rather, I DRAAAAAAAAAG Good Intention around wherever each task awaits and Thoughts DO 'get marshaled' into a deadpan conglomerate that resembles a draft .   Drafts are like skeletons that need flesh, blood, muscle and FAT {of all things} to make the Topic presentable .   I struggle to make descriptions and explanations because they alone do NOT offer Resolution , a something which needs INSIGHT to make Relevant >>> Truth as Secret :   otherwise 'it' is nothing more than "Penetrating Insight into the OBVIOUS"  which surely comports to >>>deliberative balderdash <<< .