Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Miss Poke

                             How's this (?) :   `As a writer I sentence myself to sentencing` .   Is that stupit ?   I had to twist and bend >sentencing< for the gag to work .   I was searching for the elusive "First Sentence" that starts the Creative Engine which powers  text production .   I mean I HAD the topic :  ~~ No one prepared me for Old Age ~~  not  something  you're gonna find in a HS textbook or college Manual-On-Life .   My own version of "The Manual for Life" finds itself in this :  `How To Watch TV` .  Bizarre ?  I thought so too .

            I had to retire to the bedroom chamber at 7:30 last evening---even the Qittens were surprised, they asked, "Papa, what the fuck is RWONG with you ???"  I answered, I'm a "Crispy Critter".  I'm BURNT, and I can't keep my eyes open .   They had no response . 

            I've been going "Full Tilt" which make absolutely NO Sense, since when you're "banging them pleasure machines" and you are too 'flipper' aggressive the "TILT" appears and it's "Game Over".  Well that DIDN'T happen .   I bought a Special Dose/Blend of THC that is Aggressively Sublime, meaning, it supplies an Energy that supports your Will to such a degree that you FEEL that you are SUPER-Human >>>Operational<<< .  Thing is, there's a Price to Pay .   I'm paying it today .




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