Friday, June 28, 2024

POP goes the Weevil

                              Trump hit Joe with so many 'lefts' Joe st-st-started b-b-b BEGGING for a ruh-ruh 'right'  .

              Joe couldn't even "Rope-a-Dope"--the way Ali did against Spinks .   Joe sustained blow after blow--becoming a punching bag for a bigger and STRONGER opponent .   In Boxing parlance :  Joe couldn't "Get Off" where "Get Off" means to inflict damage by being on the OFFENSE, i.e., striking FIRST    and    >>> EFFECTIVELY   "Counter-punching" .   We've all seen those matches where the Champ "bides" his time while waiting to deliver a "Sunday Punch" that would end the contest in gloried Victory .

              "They" told us Joe was in Training Camp to prepare for the Debate .   You gotta ask , "Is Truth 'Stronger than Dirt' ?"    You gotta answer :   NO FUCKING WAY !!!!!!! 



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