Sunday, June 30, 2024

"Fetchin' Gretchen"

                             For me , it's Newsom {New Some} and  Gretchen Whitmer {Wit More} .  

              Recall Kenndy's YOUTHFUL Appearance ?   Remember how fucking BAD Nixon appeared during their "one shot" "Deal or No Deal" ???    Newsom has CHARISMA and Gretchen has Machisma .   Newsom is a Santa Clara grad and Witmer `is outta` Michigan State, OBVIOUSLY not "Ivy" clad .    The Jesuits at Santa Clara can be PROUD of their "Son" and Michigan State can be ECSTATIC over their Daughter  .   

              Know this :  Background is FOREGROUND  --- the Foundation of one's Personage DEFINES  one's Genetics,,  meaning when you plant an acorn you're gonna get an OAK .    

             "Hans and Franz" couldn't revitalize Joe ,  "You ain't-gonna make a steak from ground chuck".

              It takes YEARS to recover from GROTESQUE Humiliation--- we ain't-got that much time.

              "It's NOW or NEVER" .


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