Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Miss Fit

                             Now trump is King--THAT according to the 'cast' of MSNBC .   In our deepest heart, nay, in our Core, somehow,,,,, we knew trump would once again escape Justice  and so it has happened .

              There's a story for it .

               The scorpion needed to get across the river and so asked an alligator .   Knowing the danger the alligator at first refused .   The scorpion made a promise NOT to kill or injure the alligator and eventually the alligator relented and swam the scorpion to the other bank where, upon arrival, the scorpion stung the alligator with lethal force.   The alligator was SHOCKED ,  "WHY ????" .  The scorpion was unapologetic and simply snided, "At all times I must be true to who and what I am ".  

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