Tuesday, July 2, 2024

"Slaughter On Tenth Avenue"

                             I sat in front of the "idiot box" all day, unable to find the strength or energy to move .   I listened to the commentators try and explain the ramifications of trump's Immunity---the result of which was the agreed-upon statement that the scotus had rendered trump KING .   

             I tried to move my Mind, it wouldn't go .

             Joe and his had their chances, the could have defied the Status Quo and found a way to add Justices to the supreme {what a fucking JOKE} court but as usual for them they put their tails between their legs and sniveled away, leaving the court to do as it pleased .

             The sc has been Bought .   Conservative {where conservative means CRIMINALLY INSANE} justices know No Fear , since they are Responsible to NO ONE .   


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