Friday, July 12, 2024

"...and all the President's men..."

                             Joe did 'ok' last evening .   The best line :  "It was Joe just being normal".  

             Still...  almost  every  poll  has  him  losing  significantly .    It  isn't  just   'concerning'   it's ALARMING .   Joe and his have been touting the Economy as an indicator not just of his/their reckoning but as Proof that Joe remains Capable .    Yet the folks who have been polled state that they don't like Joe because of his age .   Folks would rather 'beat-on' Joe than beat-on trump---Fear does this .

             Then there's this 'something' that manifests as, "You only hurt the one you love" .   We hear this : "I Love the guy >>> BUT" .   

             It's OBVIOUS that Joe can't beat trump in a one-on-one debate, thing is, he doesn't have to .   Joe has surrounded himself with smart folks who excel at their Positions--THAT'S all that TRULY Matters .  Folks don't seem to 'get' that .

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