Sunday, July 21, 2024

"If 6 was 9"

                             There is no "Manual For Aging Gracefully" .   These days I'm thinkin' about THAT .  

              You qydz see any 'Grace' in Biden's movement ?   You aint-gonna see any in my movements neither .  He's 81, I'm 73 .   Know this, for every task there is activity AND  Rest that allows for that activity to come to its conclusion .   Here, the Rest IS part of the job .   I useta* mow the entire property AND line trim in just under ONE hour .   These days I section out the mowing and span it over THREE days .   I mean I COOD mow everything in one day but that will necessitate a   2  or even   THREE   day convalescence --- I shyte you not .

              I useta get in a weight work-out, have b-fast, rest and around 3 or so do Sword for an hour .  2 words :;    IMPOSSIBLE .  I mean I COOD do it but then ................................... .

              In "The Olden Days Before Sanity" I  BELIEVED I cood fend-off Weakness by adhering to a regimen of strict Training Disciplines .   2 words :;  Gone .  

              On a good day 10 pounds is 10 pounds and the day after, 10 pound is STILL 10 pounds .   But some days 10 pounds FEELS like 20 and the day following, 80 .   Believe me .




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