Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Cuban Missile Crisis

                             Yesterday this from a SUPER-Brain : 

                                     "Republicans have no Principles, Democrats have no Spine".  

             I resent Joe .   He has failed to resign because of his EGO .  If he TRULY Loved the Country he would have acknowledged his own shortcomings and left the Struggle to those YOUNGER than he so that THEY  could  continue  the   War   with the Strength and Vigor needed to match that of the Republican Army .   

              Recall Kennedy's  "Balls-To-The-Wall"  threat  to  Moscow  during  the  the   "Cuban Missile Crisis" .     "Get those fucking missiles out of Cuban or you're gonna PAY !!!"   I want THAT !!! 

              Biden aint no Kennedy , compared to Jack's, Joe's Balls are shrunken and shriveled .


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