Saturday, July 6, 2024

Saint Elsewhere

                             I'm angry cuz I'm scared and I'm scared SHIT !!!!!   The dems want me to trust the Public, that SAME public that voted for trump in the first place, well, guess what,,,,,,,go ahead,,,,,,, guess.......... .

              The ESSENCE of Democracy is this :   one citizen, one vote ;  majority Rules .   I have written elsewhere that Democracy has GENETIC Flaws that are responsible for the Present Condition of Today's Democracy --- Flaws that somehow are aligned with the Evolutionary Demands and Universal Absolute that All Things MUST End in order to 'bring about' the next stage of Civilizational Development-  in this instance "Cradle-to-Grave" {Unremitting} Care .   These Flaws manifest as Corruption, Hypocrisy, and those aspects of Humanity that persevere as Instinctual Primality*. i.e., Fear, Hatred of the Other, and a Cosmic Self-Centeredness* whose only Dictate is "ONLY ME" .   Democracy DEMANDS 'Protection of the Minority'---this 'Protection' has resulted in the ULTIMATE Perversion of Democracy wherein the Minority now Rule with Impregnable Fortification .  Democracy did this to itself .

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