Tuesday, July 23, 2024

"Beat it ---just BEAT IT"

                              I had some 2 year old "Thompson's Water Seal" that had 'separated-out'.  I figured all I had to do was mix it sternly so it cood* be applied "as directed" .    Instead of standard stick I had the fucking BRILLIANT idea to use a mixer, you know the one, the one with twin beaters--   I had one-- it hadn't been used in years, still, what cood be rwong with it ???   Well--guess what, go ahead----guess .   Yup -- you guessed it .   I suffer from REAL insanity --- I unscrewed the housing and looked at the chassis-- the push tab was disconnected ---fuck it I didn't need it anyway, so I rescrewed it and replugged it.  Nothing   {   ...   } .   2 words :   junk .

             I wrapped it up in its own cord and placed it on the stairs so I cood trip over it at a later time .   But when I stood up >>> IT <<< 'came' to me .   It WASN'T the mixer I needed BUT THE BEATERS !!!   I cood use ONE beater and the DRILL to exercise the mix .  Did it `work` ??   FUCK-YEAH .  It was useless to ask, "Why hadn't I seen that before ?"   I asked it anyway .   Stupit duz what stupit IZ .

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