Thursday, July 11, 2024

Assault of Battery

                             I went out to apply water repellent to a couple of plywood sheets and whatever tools required more conditioning....  It started to sprinkle----- enough for me to "tap out" INSTANTLY ~~~~ I'm weak, so weak ..... .   I'm tellin' you qids, I ain't JUST lazy --- I'm more, so MUCH More ... .

               This ---> Condition <---  IS "Old Age", of that I'm CERTAIN .   I've given attention to "Will-Power" {Let's look at it as one hyphenated item >> Will-Power<<} --- the Inner Motivating Force , that is {somehow} Demanded by one's [our] Conscious to "get things done" .   Pirsig adds Strength to Will-Power by using the word "Gumption" .   I'm calling Gumption = Interior GUTS :  where Guts is a 'station' of "Grit your teeth and gut it out".   I don't-wanna grit my teeth nor GRIND them, I just wanna find some SMOOOOOOTH GLLLIIIIIIIIIDE that manifests Effortlessness in outward activity, the way it is Effortless to breathe and blink .   

               Remember that [now] old Nike expression, "Just DO it" ?   Well THAT is for YOUNG folk, NOT us old "geezers'--indeed,EVERY task THESE DAYS , requires IN DEPTH ANALYSIS, even the most trivial--- Why ? --- because EVERY task demands Energy---- as if my body is a battery with a DEFINITE "life expectancy" --- and when that battery is drained, there ain't no "Comin' Back" without a FULL recharge that sometimes requires not one but TW O days of [get this] CONVALESCENCE .   

              Life sucks, then you cry ..................................................... .

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