Thursday, July 4, 2024


                              Know-it-alls claim the ONLY option we have is to win the Presidency by a LANDSLIDE .    WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY TALKIN' ABOUT ????   Trump and his have ALREADY claimed they will NOT accept the Results if they lose --- rendering the entire Election INSIGNIFICANT ---what happened Jan 6 WILL recur................ .   

               In ANY armed or unarmed combat the WORST THING to do is UNDERESTIMATE one's opponent, and for all the shits and giggles of vacuous resignation it is OBVIOUSLY apparent that the 'Left' has done just that, failing to recognize what >> I << have been clamoring for YEARS ----trump aint no ignoramus with a 2nd grade understanding of the political World---no and FUCK NO --- he is as I have portrayed him a fucking Diabolical GENIUS .    I don't give a fuck if he DOESN'T know what the fuck he's doing --- he's acting on a Primal Instinctuality that itself was the FOUNDATION of Evolutionary ADVANCEMENT .   This Primal INTELLIGENCE was and IS the Origin and Source of ALL the Fears that have been manifested not only as > Only The Strong Survive<  but also as <The Instinct for Self Preservation < .   

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