Thursday, July 11, 2024

Black Lies Matter

                              If we take a sojourn in the "Way Back" Machine we will find a few blogs that claim that as a Civilization we do NOT 'need' the Truth .   We did okay with understanding that the Moon was blue cheese and that the Earth was flat .   SOMEHOW {It really ain't Somehow but Evolution} Civilization 'got through' the Dark Ages and into the Age of Enlightenment .   Here it is where Logic and Higher Order thinking REVOLUTIONIZED Western Conscious [The Collective Conscious {something I devised by stealing from Dr. Carl Jung's "Collective UN-Conscious{ ] .    Here it is where Truth achieved an Ascendancy over the "Heart" of all "Matters" .   {The Rule of Logic over both Ethos and Pathos {as Pirsig has outlined in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance } .   I'm no fan of Truth ,  I have written Elsewhere that Truth Kills, in the exact same way that Love is also a Mindless Killer with regard to the Love of one's country and one's willingness to Kill and Die for IT .   Within both Truth and Love lies a hideous component of Lethality that comforts both Patriots and forlorn Romantics .  

               Recently I have chanced upon the Notion that Truth and Honesty are different despite being "of the same fabric" .    One can be Truthful WITHOUT being Honest .   I can deliver the Truth and hold back Honesty .  Here it is were Truth can reside in the superficial, and does so with extreme ease whereas Honesty is bound to one's Cosmic Soul and as such can defy Truth as a Universal Absolute .   

               Astrophysicists can claim ;  Oh yeah, it's the BIG Bang [Truth] but we really don't know--- [Honesty] .  

               Can you dig it ?

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