Thursday, July 25, 2024



                             I began yesterday afternoon by beginning Aesop's Fables which I did for an hour or so, and then putting that down and picking up Patrick Mullahy's  Oedipus  Myth and Complex .   Munro Leaf's new version is an update, a modernization of Aesop, wherein the 'Moral' at the end of each Fable is modified to be of value in this, our Present .  This is the role of Modern Day Authors, to make relevant the Classic Traditions of the Ancients that we may gain their Insights and Wisdoms and [then] apply them to contemporary conditions .   

              Some time inside of "Ago" I proffered an analysis that overlaid the Oedipus Complex onto current political theater, citing the abject NECESSITY to "Kill" (symbolically speaking) the "Father" in order to free one's self from the bondage and burdens of Paternal `Mass` .   I was speaking of trump of course, that his overbearing WEIGHT [Mass] was crushing America with a RUTHLESS and Cruel Paternalism which literally HALTED advance into ANY >>> Future .   

              In the same way that there is a "Good" Mother and a "Bad Mother" so it is with Fathership* .  Trump is the "Bad" Father while Biden is the "Good" Father .   In a BRILLIANT Act of Common Sense Joe relinquished his Paternal Mass {Status Quo} and passed it onto the Shoulders of Harris .   This, although presently unrecognizable, is the "Death of the King" [Father] which satisfies "The King Must Die" ---  the Oedipus Complex actualized {and Relief forthcoming} .


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