Thursday, July 18, 2024

Santa Lucidity

                             It ain't like 'trumpism' is new, for the dead of reckoning we MAY consider Hitler and his Nazi-ism as the Origin and Source of trumpism, indeed, vance tagged trump as "the American Hitler".  that appellation can suffice as it is, I mean, for now .  Presently, I am inclined to recognize the American Nuclear Holocaust as THE "Beginning of the 2nd Dark Ages", in that Civilization, in its Democratic Form considered the   ANNIHILATION   of    INNOCENT CIVILIANS,    as  a    "NO-OTHER-CHOICE" Option to end WWII .   The {Heavenly} Heights ,   Heights whose Earthly Foundation was none-other than, "Might is Right" .       Here it is where WAR is the ULTIMATE Peace-Maker and KILLING is the Solution of ALL Human Shortcomings .   Here it is where Death CAN-BE >>Proud<< .  Civilization itself, resorting  to its most   BARBAROUS    Wicked-Ness,   in  the  name  of  its {Evolutionary} `advancement` .       But is 'it' the end of 'it' ??   2 words :  Hardly .                

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