Sunday, July 21, 2024

"She''ll be comin' 'round the mountain when she comes..."

                             Joe has come to his Senses and withdrawn from the Election "Race" .   Now we have a Chance .

              Recall this statement by one of the major SUPER-Brains :   "There are folks out there who would rather live in a COMMUNIST State or even DIE before they would vote for a Democrat, Liberal, Negro or Spanish Speaker " .  

              If you've been  a  Scrutinizer* of the Campaign you KNOW that Biden was their sole Target, that ALL their weaponizations have been directed at Joe and his Age .   Now they have a Liberal BLACK Woman as their Target --IT aint-gonna get no EZer .

              There are so many FIRSTS they seem Innumerable and even Immeasurable .   

               Check out the NEGATIVES :

                                 She's a Woman ----------strike one

                                 She's Black --------------strike two

                                  She's Liberal ------------strike three 

Good thing this aint baseball .

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