Friday, June 7, 2024

Apollo Pi

                              The Universe has been sending me Answers to questions I asked Seasons ago .   The Info is arriving at an alarming rate .   'Stand-alone' Info has relative Value because it lacks MEANING .   Once Meaning has been established THEN that Info is transformed into Knowledge but even Knowledge has its shortcomings with regard to APPLICATION, i.e., what the fuck do you DO with It ????

            NASA Engineers are seated at a conference table, the Mission Control Manager dumps a box of Filtration items onto the table and furies , "MAKE ME A CO2 SCRUBBER!" .   THAT'S where  I  am "at"---having all the Items for a BYG* Something but NOT the Condition for Execution .

             I know what I'm doing but I can't get it done .   "Uhhh Houston ?  We have a Problem".

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