Friday, June 7, 2024

No Brain, No Gain

                             It's not exactly the Writing Season, but I have been waiting for a 'first sentence' to arrive so that I can alleviate some Guilt .   Well, the ''first sentence DID arrive an it is this :  Writing requires {DEMANDS} Inspiration, Motivation, Focus and, most of all, Commitment .    You quidz* KNOW I'm lazy so THAT'S a Problem .   I wait around to be SUPER Inspired [where Spirit is INSIDE Inspiration] so that  I  write  my  BEST  stuff {relative to the reader of course} and NOT the B- C+ shit that passes as Effort .   

             Despite a GRUELING {for me} outdoor Pace, I have awakened at 2 for the past few nights .   I know what it means = it's the Same as the headaches I receive piggy-backed upon Universal Message .   Yet,,, given the choice between putting my thoughts up and onto the screen, and getting outdoors to experience the Sounds + Fragrances of Early Summer Beauty ~~~ it's sorta a "No Brainer".   

             Still, I carry the Load of Good Intention, rather, I DRAAAAAAAAAG Good Intention around wherever each task awaits and Thoughts DO 'get marshaled' into a deadpan conglomerate that resembles a draft .   Drafts are like skeletons that need flesh, blood, muscle and FAT {of all things} to make the Topic presentable .   I struggle to make descriptions and explanations because they alone do NOT offer Resolution , a something which needs INSIGHT to make Relevant >>> Truth as Secret :   otherwise 'it' is nothing more than "Penetrating Insight into the OBVIOUS"  which surely comports to >>>deliberative balderdash <<< .   

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