Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Mr. Oxy Moron

                              I've never heard of  "Half Tilt*",,,  have you ?   I SUPPOSE      ' running FULL TILT '  means   you are like the ball in a pinball machine, acting all qrayzee* and shit, "bouncing off the walls" as it were, trust me when I tell you I am NOT "bouncing off the walls" when I perform the tasks at hand !!!  I mean if a SNAIL could "bounce off the walls" then put me in on THAT .  Hmmmm  Snail Power, they don't call me  Oxy  Moron* for nothin' .

              I have yet to refine the so-called "Essences of Old Age"......... I mean,,,,  there's THAT .

              I personally find it BIZARRE, that I must Plan everything from getting to a seated position,, to planning HOW to raise myself WITHOUT the SCREAM-OF-PAIN from my spinal erectors and mid-thoracic webs .   This ain't just "Once a day", it's EVERY FUCKING TIME .  

              There's an old gag from "The Ed Sullivan Show" .   A guy is in with his Doc.  He complains, "It hurts when I do this".  The doc snaps back, "Well DON'T DO THAT !"  

              Ba dup bum .


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