Friday, January 31, 2025


                       I have a penchant for introducing movie and cinema scenes into my text because part of American Zen is the DEMAND for RELEVANT experiences .   I, like you, am sometimes CAPTIVATED by what I see on the screen ---  it is this CAPTIVATION I seek to use in order Transmit the Awareness of Zen in ITS varied manifestation .   EVERYONE watches TV --- so you can appreciate my interest .   

              Music, too, enjoys a SPECIAL Place inside the Structure of American Zen --- here comes one now ---> .   I am a HUGE Fan of Huey Lewis and the News -- on their "SPORTS" Album is, "Finally Found A Home" which is an Anthem of "Self-Discovery" AND "Self Expression" .   You can read the Problem >>  How many other Earthlings have access to Huey ?????   Any reference to his and their Music is probably "Site Specific" meaning, heard only in the U.S.A .   Were I to depend on these specific lyrics they will probably NOT receive beneficial translations --- I mean, there's THAT .  

           I have "found a home" inside these Blogs perhaps THAT "Shood be enough" but once again, I dunno .

Jack Teacher

                I'm certain there will be 'translation' discomfort .   I am pleased that I am being read in 1-FOURTEEN Countries .  {I want that to indicate that I have a "World Class" Mind but I dunno.}   So it is that I desire  to be Understood and Appreciated for my Efforts {but again, I dunno} .   Is this the DEFINITION of Vanity ?   Geezus, I hope not .

         In the Time of Before, I made certain to inform my readers that my ULTIMATE Goal is to introduce ZEN to WORLD "Mainstream {Main-River} Conscious bc I BELIEVE that a DIAMOND  Reality is partially composed of SPIRITUAL  'Facets' that can ease Suffering and Transform the Psyche to withstand the Heinous and do so with a Resolve that is STRENGTHENED by its own Exercise .    When I cood* find no Zen to help US withstand War [on a DAILY basis] I moved my Mind to a Place where a {nu*} Zen cood be established --  that wood* do as Compliment to the Noble 8-Fold Path .  I KNOW  that to be ambitious but  I am DEVOTED to the Teachings of Buddha which I will NEVER Abandon .

"It's your thing, do what you wanna do"

                        I have the URGE to change my 'style', check that, to ADD to my 'style' the 'versions' of 'other' 'manifestations' of the ego/self named Steve DeSilva .    Since I began blogging I have held myself to the University Standards of my college days, considering myself a REPRESENTATIVE of the University of Connecticut's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences .   For me. Writing is some sort of "Sacred Art" that must be Practiced with the Utmost of PRECISION Thinking which then generates LUCID `Presentations` .   All those collegial `applications` have done nothing to raise the number of readers,,, which causes this :   "If I was any good, I'd have a large 'following' "  --  well I DON'T have a large following which then indicates --- I'm NOT >> good and worse-- I just maybe mediocre .  Either way I WANT {DESIRE} more viewership and toward THIS end I am considering just "DOING MY THING" by allowing my Interior Others to express themselves .   


                       It's difficult NOT to address trump's strategies and tactics as "Psychological Warfare" .   Here, the most important CONCEPT is that we are AT WAR with Fascism .   Even the BYG and SUPER-Brains have been reluctant [reticent] to tag present day `Conditions`  as "Acts of War" [upon HALF the American Electorate] .   Instead, the democrats {rats} INSIST that they MUST CONTINUE to "work with" their "Colleagues on the other side of the aisle" .   I consider this THIS fucking BULLSHIT as ANTI-AMERICAN and TREASONOUS ----  On THAT  how can we NOT consider their DEPLORABLE actions as "aiding and abetting" the ENEMY ????? !!!!!!!!!!!

Insider Raiding

                       The question IS, "What do we DO with that "Message" ???    Can ANYTHING be done to stop or at least impede trump+musk's FASCISM ?   "On the surface"  NO !!   So now what ???

           We KNOW that 2025 is trump's "Mein Kamph" and that it is being `faithfully` executed with BLITZKRIEG speed .   The present day Political Theater is being over-run by savages, and barbarians in the same way of the Jan. 6 Insurrection .   No one was there to stop That either DESPITE the Warnings of the various Intelligence Departments .    

            We are DROWNING in shit .

Crop Circles

                        Some days my thoughts and formations are "protected" by "barbed-wire" .   I circle them round-and-round, I see them clearly -- understand their form -- know how they are to be used --  but I can't "get to" them .   Today is such a day .   

          There was a post on fb that "pointed out" that musk had GUTTED the FAA before the Mid-Air Collision and the post asked, "Coincidence ?"   A few "some-time-agoes" I remembered that a righteous SUPER-Brain once delivered, "There's no such thing as "Coincidence" --- if there IS, then the Universe is, at best, Callous, at worst, Lazy ."   To 'See Clearly' you-gotta juxtapose the Gutting of the FAA with the Mid-Air and just stare at both {Pirsig} until a quality 'something' surfaces .  

          I have introduced Jung's "Synchronicity" because I believe it has MONUMENTAL {mon-you-MENTAL} Significance if we are to properly understand Conditions that SHOULD-BE registered as "Cosmic",  meaning ,   "THERE'S NO SUCH A THING AS COINCIDENCE" .    The Universe is INTELLIGENCE and 'sends' "messages" AS A MEANS TO ADVANCE CIVILIZATION .  


Thursday, January 30, 2025

The Grate Society

                       I was harvesting "one-liners" from my long-and-short notebooks when I came upon this from Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young :  " time to stay the same" .   It struck me .   

             I have theorized that the Contents of some 70's Songs hold Secrets {and therefore KEYS} to Use in this the absolute BEST of The WORST Times .    "M-M-My Generation" experienced the War-Mongered* Gov, as a VIOLATION of "The Will of the People".  Indeed, LBJ resigned because he felt that he had NO >>>Support<<< from over HALF the Nation .   Except for SOME of Senior Year -- EVERY DAY WAS A PROTEST DAY ---  the War in Vietnam was considered a GROTESQUE ANATHEMA not only to Students but to the General Electorate who bemoaned the loss of their Sons and Daughters to the Mil .   

            It was WAR and We KNEW it to be WAR .  We DEMANDED Change because we KNEW it was " time to stay the same" .

From "Get Smart" : KAOS vs CONTROL

                       The Media has used "Chaos" to describe the EFFECT of trump's Executive Orders [EO] but I don't think it "goes" "far enough" nor wide enough,, nor deep enough .   I attribute a "romantic" "value" to Chaos because there are sometimes when Mother Nature and Her Twin, Mother Earth generate Chaos recognized by Physicists as a Universal Absolute :   "Nature's Way is ALWAYS towards MASS ENTROPY" [where entropy MEANS Chaos ."  "First off" there ain't nothin' NATURAL about ANY of trump's EO's as they are recognized for their DELIBERATE Aspiration of Cruelty .   I prefer the tag of exPLOSION since exPLOSION accounts for HEINOUS Damage to the Human Psyche whereas Chaos is {generally} Accepted as "Nature's Way" a NATURAL Way we KNOW as DEFINITIVELY  a-political .  Trump has been lobbing "hand grenades" into the house and senate in his Effort to OBLITERATE what remains of Democracy Institutions and the Folks who operate within them .  

Wednesday, January 29, 2025


                        I wuz-jus-gonna drop this rite here and head outdoors to "pretend" it's Spring .   Some daze* I am easily dys-sprited*---today is one of them . 

          I want to make CERTAIN  that I Echo-cho-ho-o what one of my Favorite SUPER-BRAINS acknowledged yesterday after the WH press conference :  Project 2025 is being actualized, word-for-word, sentence-by-sentence and paragraph-by-paragraph .   WE HAVE THEIR PLAYBOOK AT OUR "DISPOSAL" .   We need not spy, guess, or theorize---it's "ALL THERE IN FRONT OF US" .    Thus far the rats have FAILED to acknowledge the CATACLYSMAL SEVERITY of trump's version of "Mein Kamph" .   He and they have written what they intend to do and have "given birth" to the Nu America .    The rats HAVE NO EXCUSE for  Torpor .

The 4th Estate

                       Yesterday the first White House Press Conference showcased a female who promised she wood ALWAYS "tell the truth"  and who WITHIN SECONDS violated that promise with the EASE of an "old tyme" "hawker" .   She was "fast-talking" with the >>> CON<<< fidence of inviolable SANCTITY .  She was UN-TOUCHABLE not just unflappable .  She "took-on" the "4th Estate" as if and as though she was EMINENCE and treated the members of the 4th Estate with trump-like Audacity {where Audacity signals CONTEMPT} .   

           I'm quite fond of the quote that follows :   "There are no stupid questions, there are only stupid PEOPLE who ask questions ."   So much for the 4th Estate and THEIR >>> Malfeasance <<< .

The DO Bees

                       'Position' is everything .   There are folks who are "in position" to actually DO {any} something that will advance a Political and SPIRITUAL Trajectory that not only OPPOSES trump [and his] but OBSTRUCTS him [and his] with regard to HIS Trajectory of UTTER Destruction and Demolition of Democracy and ALL its Industry {for lack of a better word} .   Thing about THAT is this :  do we expect them to perform in such a manner that we [ourselves] cannot {or WILL NOT} ?   We CAN expect them to execute their tasks in such a manner as is commensurate with THEIR Abilities .   When they SHIRK from their Duties, and Obligations ;  when they REFUSE to 'engage the enemy' because they HONOR  >>>  Cowardice  {as "Turning the other cheek"}  THEN  they  should  be  harangued  for MALFEASANCE and asked to resign so that someone else, WITH BALLS, can "take on" the "mantle" of Political Warrior-ship .   I ain't askin' them to do ANYTHING I wood* not .  


                       It's foolhardy to even THINK that trump's "army" will be moved to quit him because of his INSANE Power Grabs .   These are the folks who will GLADLY "chop off their noses to spite their faces", I mean shit, THAT'S how deep their Mind Cancer "runs" .   And yet the democrats [rats] STILL believe that trump's Aggression of Cruelty will dys-sway* his blind and loyal followers/LUNATIC FRINGE and "bend" their minds toward a Reality which contains [{Self-Evident} PROOF] of trump's ego-maniacal and CRIMINAL  Imbecility --  IT AIN'T-GONNA HAPPEN .   Ain't no cure for Zombie-ism .

Tuesday, January 28, 2025


                       The rats DO have a Plan-- they call it Project 2027 .  What follows is an excerpt .

                                                                 " See Spot .

                                                                  See Spot run .

                                                                  Run, Spot, run .

                                                                  Spot runs fast. "


                       You'd THINK [and want to BELIEVE] that the PURGE of 18 Investigators General would have generated a democrat UP-ROAR -----------  nope  --------- just barley a [pip]squeak .    I mean-- ya-gotta shake your head in {astonishing} bewilderment .    Wasn't harris' exhortation "If we fight we win" a BATTLE CRY ??????????   ------ apparently NOT .   

          I've "bitched-out" the 'rats' before --- they don't want to "fight" FOR ANYTHING and worse, they consider "strongly worded messages" as THE "Height" of Oppositional* Response when, in actuality, all those messages reveal [are] nothing but whimpers from a beaten pet .  

"Hell Week"

                       The  Women didn't Protest trump's election, in fact, there were only sporadic rallies {is that the rite word?} etched about here and there .  There's a word for that =  PATHETIC .

           During his program last evening Ari Melber promised a "look" at strategy and tactics to help format some sort of "Resistance" {is that the rite word ?} against trump and trumpism .   He even featured the top 100 Protest Songs of all time .   Ari was lookin' to the late 60's for >>> Inspiration  but I fail to see how "wanting" Equality is a Parallel to the Conditions of trump's Dictator-ship* .   

           During Wallace's program, which preceded Melber's, she asked, "WHERE THE FUCK IS THE DEMOCRAT COUNTER-OFFENSIVE ???????? !!!!!!!!!!!!" .   Her panelists had no answers which moved her perturbations to aggravated frustrations .   This was the second day of her exploration [investigation ?] into the Democrat NON-Response to trump's {Hell-bent} demolition of ALL Democrat Institutions with no thought at all of  the DIRE Consequences of wanton political Savagery .

Monday, January 27, 2025

Rule by the Cruel

                       Ya-gotta admit that Capitalism and ITS >> Nature =  COMPETITION is also Responsible for Democracy's Failings .   WITHOUT Competition, prices and costs have NO Natural Barriers ,  prices and costs can be fixed by Greed and Avarice = = = Food Production in America is by THREE Corporations --- hardly 'considerable' Competition .   We are living the Result of this NON-Competition .

                Then there's this , "When a Monopoly Capitalism reaches its monopolistic state FINANCE RULES ".   This is from my college days and I'm hard-pressed to recall its Source .   Billionaires now RULE .  We KNOW them to be GLUTTONS for Wealth AND for POWER .  KNOW that Democracy and Capitalism "did" this to the Nation .

Miss Guided

                       From the Beginning the country we know as America WAS DIVIDED --- those who wanted to oppose Great Britain and those that did NOT .   It is this DIVISION that  actually  DEFINES America :  A 2 Party System that breeds ANTAGONISM toward the 'Opposition' -- with both Parties BELIEVING that their political ideation* is SUPERIOR to that of "The Others" .  Herein lies the Fate and Destiny of a DELUDED Nation for how can there be Unity when the FOUNDATION of American Politics DEMANDS Dualism in order to Function ?????  The VERY NATURE of America, if Logic is to govern this consideration, is that of Antagonistic Opposites .   

"Winner Takes All"

                       From the Beginning COMPETITION was and remains the FOUNDATION of American Political Existence .    Political Parties MUST be "at odds" with one another IF democracy is to function AS IT WAS DESIGNED .   "At odds" is soft for DIRECT CONFRONTATION a something that politicians wish to AVOID ---AT ALL COST .   Here it is where "The Will of the People" becomes some sort of Apparition -- a something that's "Out There" but whose significance is muted due to the PERSONAL Will of politicians .   Democracy is suppose to reside in the Dynamic that is referred to as "Compromise" --- but this Dynamic is Foundationed* upon MUTUAL RESPECT and DEVOTION to the Constitution of the United States --- when there is [and can be no] Respect for one another the entire Political System is hobbled if not Crippled .  You can see it rite ?   When the TRUTH of Human Equality {I Respect you bc you and I are HUMAN BEINGS} is forfeited, THERE CAN BE NO TRUE DEMOCRACY .  

Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Para Doxy*

                       Check this out :   `Militant Idealism is Intolerant of Intolerance` .  Ya want "fucked-up" ???well here it is "In Aces and Spades" .   I mean, Hello "South Park" .   

                How  often  have  we  heard,  "I have a " 'love-hate' Relationship with..." ???   You can see 'it' rite* ?  'It' is a Paradox of INFINITE proportions and one that TRULY expresses FEELINGS .  Few of US are willing {or even ABLE} to "dispense" with Love in order to 'manage' Hate and yet to dispense Hate in order to establish HEALTHY Feelings SEEMS to be a "Pipe Dream" .  I've said 'it' elsewhere, "[Some] Folks LOVE to HATE" .        

Common-folk Fascism

                       I have made a claim that 'Suffering' can be 'managed' and pointed to the Noble 8-Fold Path as the Management Foundation .   I have wondered if Hatred can be 'managed' as well and if so, how(?) .

           Good, Honest and Decent Folks want to 'change the minds' of `Common-folk` Fascists -- I have argued, "You ain't-gonna make steak from hamburg" and I stand by that assessment .    These folks are PASSIONATE where Passionate connotes a FANATICISM within which VIOLENCE is considered the ONLY form of Resolution .   Look at this :   Make War not Love . 

          We have Observed that Hatred begets {murderous} Violence --- question is, "How do we address, counter or neutralize this (type of) Primal AGGRESSION ?   We KNOW that Direct Confrontation is futile --- recall "Love is Blind",  Rage Blinds as does FURY .   We KNOW that >> Truth << is of little or NO Consequence to Common-folk Fascists --- what then ,,, are we 'left with' ?????

The lima bean pizza

                       Yesterday afternoon, during the 3 p.m. Music Hour, it surfaced that "what's behind" Hatred and Love is ---> Passion .   I THOUGHT I had uncovered some BYG-FUCKING-DEAL but sadly, no .   To identify Passion as an Essence actually 'does' nothing --- besides that, there are qualifications of both Hatred and Love .   Check this out :   I  LOVE  pizza and I  HATE  lima beans .   

               Folks speak of "ending Hate", indeed, Buddhism claims that only LOVE can 'defeat' Hate which is "up there" with, "Forgive them Father they know not what they do."   

               Elsewhere I have claimed that Hatred is a manifestation of PRIMAL FEAR and AS a "Primal Fear" it is INSTINCTUAL .   Are we to rid ourselves of our Instincts ?   I have doubt .   

Saturday, January 25, 2025

"...and they became what they beheld."

                        "They became what they beheld " .   Ya-gotta figure that trump's ascendancy was the DIRECT RESULT of his TV show, "The Apprentice" .   I have never seen even ONE episode so "writing in the dark" does NOT cover my dys-familiarity* .   I THINK "it's safe to say" that folks IDENTIFIED {"I" dentify} {eye dentify}  with trump and all that quasi-power he wielded .   They "fell in love" with trump .    It was this >> Love << that is the FOUNDATION of Devotion {and SURRENDER} to trump and this Love BLINDED them from the Truth .   This 'it' is Validation of >>> "Love is BLIND" .   

            We say that folks sometimes ADOPT the PERSONA of another in lieu of their own reluctance to look at themselves in order to register both attributes and FLAWS --- Love does this --- {you know it and so do I }.   They ADOPTED trump and trumpism bc it Psychologically Suited them --- it filled a Void in their Beings - a Void that SHOULD NOT EXIST IFF Parents had parented with specific Goals --- Values, Morals, Mores, and even Philosophies .   


                       Elsewhere I have theorized that it was TV that is responsible for Societal and Cultural STUPIDITY and I feel a NEED to add Video Games as well .   Fingers pointing to the Education System as responsible for failing to Teach the IMPORTANCE of Truth should be summarily BRO KEN .   Piss-poor Parenting has resulted in School Shootings ---  there can be NO escape from this >>> Truth .   But you can see it rite ?   Parents steadfastly REFUSE to take Responsibility for their lack of "involvement" with [in] their kids Mental Development --- Ethics ? Morals?  I mean shit, why the fuck bother ????

Just say KNOW

                       OBVIOUSLY ya just CAN'T call EVERYONE that voted for trump an IDIOT .   Claiming IDIOCY as the cause of [for] political unrest and GRIEF does NOT "address" nor "resolve" the Conditions that were allowed to Form which somehow GUARANTEED the padded ascendancy of INFERIOR singulars* whose PERSONAL Interests far outweigh their Duties and OBLIGATIONS .   Question is ---> Can they be blamed for choosing themselves and their families rather that choosing to uphold their Oaths ?????   I mean, how can anyone say, "No" ????  


                       Cheney said it best :  {The REASON why} [we are in such deep shit] is because "We keep electing IDIOTS " .   Does it "follow" {therefore} that IDIOTS are electing IDIOTS ?   Ya-gotta wonder .

           Has the absence of Truth actually corrupted Virtue ?  Let's try that again, Without Truth CAN there be Virtue ????   Take 'that' down several notches and you must start looking at Common Sense and ITS erosion/evaporation .   If Idiots lack [are devoid of] Common Sense is 'It' bc they lack [are devoid of] the ABILITY to recognize the importance of Truth ???   How can that be ???????    To discard, check that, to devalue Truth is to devalue almost everything upon which Truth is a PRIMAL Facet .   I must insist that Truth and Virtue are INTIMATELY Bound --- No Truth ---> No Virtue .



Friday, January 24, 2025

"Statesboro Blues"

                       I'm not-gonna "look-up" the definition of "Statesman" .   You NEVER hear that word used these days bc of BECAUSE .   Above all else -- in Ancient Times -- some true MEN were "Principled" and in so being carried about them an aura of [Political] Virtue that manifested as DIGNITY, {Humble} SOPHISTICATION, and  [a] resilient Altruism  that  sought  the  IDEAL  Conditions  for  NATIONAL Prosperity .    Is there ANY Evidence that Statesmen exist in this the Present Day ???   I'm hard-pressed to locate an Individual although, my guy and Hero, Bernie Sanders,, comes excruciatingly Close .  As for the rest of them, TOMS, each and every .

"Tom" boys

                       Elsewhere I have described members of the democracy congress as "useless as tits on a bull" .  It ain't enuff* .   You can try using, "they are so played, when trump commands, 'JUMP !' they ask, 'How high ?' "  but that don't do it neither .    This morning I was set on trying to devise another depiction that appropriately describes them .  It's only been FOUR fucking HOURS and I've decided to use "Tom" .  What follows is from Google :  "Uncle Tom as opprobrium" . [roughly "grossly shameful"] ---   "Uncle Tom is a slur used to disparage  black person who is humiliatingly subservient or deferential to white people ."  [Italics are mine] .   "Humiliatingly subservient" is "dead on balls" Accurate -- I'm certain Youz* Gyze* agree .  


                       Why  do  folks  think  that  trump's  selections  are  put in  place  as  FUNCTIONING Officers ???   Most of the "Brites" KNOW that trump wants only to put his people in place but NOT as independent thinkers and decision makers, no and FUCK-NO .   They are in place   >>>  AS PUPPETS !!  Ya-gotta figure that any and ALL "Decisions" are to be made by TRUMP through his puppets .   It simply DOES NOT MATTER that they are WHOLLY and TOTALLY inferior, in fact, for trump and his, the "more stupider" the better .  

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The HELL in Helplessness

                       It's the HELPLESSNESS that makes me FEEL so fucking SICK .   It'a AIN'T just the Depression and the resultant STUPOR it presents .   Helplessness KILLS Motivation and DESTROYS Incentive .   In my instance, Hopelessness begets FURY !!!!!!!!!!!!!

          Those assholes "up there" are being paid OUR "HARD EARNED" Cash yet they feel ENTITLED to "turn their backs" on their Obligations and DUTIES to US and the Constitution .   

           Harris  wanted  US  to  FIGHT  yet  she  is  yet to harangue her fellow congress members to do the same .   

Skin in the Shame

                      I wanna know, what is the role of Jose and Juanita Q with regard to "The Fight" --what are we  fighting   FOR ?   What,  exactly,  are we suppose  "To Do"  now that trumpism is "The Law Of The Land" ?   

         I  mean  it  this  way :   Didn't  we  elect  supposed   OFFICIALS   to   Fight   bc  WE  ARE  AT WORK ????   Why,  shood*   WE "take on"  the  Role  of  our   elected Offal --  I  mean   Officials -- ???  Fighting IS SUPPOSE TO BE THEIR JOB !!!!!!!!!!!   Ya-gotta figure THEY DON'T WANT TO DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS mainly bc THEY GET PAID WHETHER OR NOT THEY DO ANYTHING .   I HATE the "System"  "on accounta" this THIS .   There is NO >>>Incentive for them to do a goddamn fucking thing --so they don't .

         "Skin in the game" becomes Skin in the Shame .

Add Vance

                       So what, EXACTLY, is "The Will of the rats ?"   We have heard them ---> they want to RESTORE Democracy to it's >>>PAST<<< `Glory`.  For me that's evidence of the Gravity of the Status Quo and it reminds of the "Rebuild" of the New Jersey territories that got "busted-up" during that once-in-a-lifetime Hurricane .  Thing with THAT is -->  THEY MADE NO IMPROVEMENTS OF ANY SAFETY BARRICADES THAT WOULD PREVENT A SIMILAR DISASTER .   They simply rebuilt it [as] the WAY IT WAS which only INVITES yet ANOTHER Catastrophic DISASTER ----- NOT a 'sign' of `Truth Intelligence` {I'm jus' sayin'} .   

            To rebuild Democracy AS IT WAS is to INVITE yet another Catastrophic Disaster .  Why the fuck wood they rebuild it in the same manner that wood GUARANTEE  another trump  ????????  

Miss Phyt

                       One of my most Favorite Boxing Champions is Sean O'Grady [former WBA Lightweight Champion] who once defined Boxing as "Imposing your Will upon your opponent" .   This THIS   is   what   COMPETENT   democRATS   should  be  doing   IFF   they  were   THOROUGHLY COMMITTED to ANY Form of "Counter Insurrection".   ALL Coaches wood* agree, If ALL you are doing is playing  Defense ----->  YOU ARE LOSING !!!!!!!!!!!!    It ain't just that for the rats --- it's as if they ain't even formed a Team yet ---they ain't-even NEAR the "Playing Field" .   I wrote >> Pathetic << but even THAT "don't come no closer" .    

Blitz Creed

                       Wallace begged = "Where are the VOICES???"  .    It ain't just the fuckin' "Voices" shit .   It's the "Reveal" that the rats HAVE NO LEADERSHIP --- and here 'Leadership' must be defined by a one or ones* who TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for the Trajectory of Democracy and the Strategies and Tactics that TRUE   >>>>COUNTER-INSURRECTION<<<<   --->   DEMANDS !!!!!!!   

             Ya-gotta ask , Are the rats THAT Pathetic ???  Ya-gotta answer = YUP !!!!!!!!!!!!!


No GO in Ghost

                       The trumpists are executing their "playbook" = 2025 <<<  with surgical precision while the rats attended the Inauguration with diaphanous cowardice .   Broadcasters have described the trumpist senate as spineless jellyfish yet that very same can be applied to the rats and well should be, in fact, I do so now .

            I commend Nicole Wallace and her {Political} Consortium for NOT submitting [poor choice] to the Cowardice that has infected [another poor choice] the rat congress .    The trumpists WERE READY TO BLITZ THE POLITICAL WORLD WITH BLAZING FEROCITY AND LIGHTNING SPEED AND HAVE DONE SO !!!!!

                Yesterday Wallace and hers put 'it' "out there" =  "Where is the democrat COUNTER OFFENSIVE " ?????????!!!!!!!  Her Question was similar to Chuck Todd's "Where's the Cavalry???" when he, along with us, watched the Insurrection unfold WITHOUT NATIONAL GUARD INTERVENTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!  

               Ghosts ???

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

American Gaza

                       What happened to Gaza is what will happen in America due to a populist nationalism that is manifested as Israeli Aggression .   You shouldn't need to be reminded that Netanyahu IS trump --- the SAME Hatred of the Other also DOMINATES trumpism as well .   The FILTHY Rich will {RAGE} War on the Poor because THAT'S WHAT PREDATORS DO !!!!!!!!!!!  

           During the corporation EXODUS {which occurred under Bush the Stupid} the American Interior, known as the "Heart-Land",,  was tagged with (as) The American WASTELAND !    This Time it will be American Democracy Institutions that will be summarily dismantled and thrown into a scrap {crap} heap where they will be made "IMPOSSIBLE TO REUSE" .   Trump claims he's gonna "remake" the American Industrial Manufacturing by returning those corporations to America .   Even Gazans know that the rubble will NOT be transformed into buildings --- and here it is again, "You can't make steak from hamburg" .

The Mirror

                       "Isn't it fortunate that this one individual encapsulates ALL the Negativity of your work surroundings ?"  Such were the words of one of my Therapists .  I really cooda* KILLED him for that .   His intention was to focus my attention NOT on that individual by my OWN tolerance deficiencies .   So it is with trump -- a {man} devoid of ANY sense of Humanity .   For Better AND For Worse trump IS a MIRROR that reflects our UNGODLIEST traits and characteristics .   Here now an OPPORTUNITY to scrutinize OUR OWN MINDS and inventory that which prevents us from establishing and maintaining a "Clear Mind" .   

            We speak of "Blind Hatred" and I supplement that with Hatred CAUSES Blindness .

Love to Hate

                       Ya-gotta figure that trumpists LOVE to HATE .   I mean, what do you CALL that ?   It MUST "feel good" to Hate -- if it felt BAD >it< WOULDN'T be maintained .   

              Here's a good one =  Let's all HATE HATE !   Which is followed by :  Let's all LOVE to Hate Hate .   It don't get no better than THAT .

"...ANYONE can become POTUS "

                       "In America ANYONE can become President of the United States ."  Now we have learned how TRUE that statement is .    But ya-gotta* ask, "Is that REALLY a 'good thing' ?   "Think about it ."  

             Well--- I HAVE 'thought about it' and I want to express my UTMOST Concern that statements of this nature are MONSTRUOSLY Deceiving, and for that FACT, in no way should children be exposed to this Truth WITHOUT clear and precise Qualification .    Democracy did this, and with the Gravity of the Status Quo there can be no "Not everyone is qualified to be POTUS" .   You can see it rite* ?  I don't know how you can miss it .


Shit for shat

                       I will NEVER "forgive" democraps* from attending that FARCE .    Did you see joe keep his head bowed during trump's scathing rebuke of joe and his administration ???   I saw his AGE and felt his WEAKNESS .   Trump took a shit into joe's mouth and then pissed in his face .   Thank You democracy .

God is a trumpist.

                       He's in .    I waited with mixed anticipation .  I expected him and his to be electrocuted by a Lightning Bolt from Heaven and when it DIDN'T happen I was forced to figure >>> God is a trumpist .

          You know what scared the fuck out of me (???)  his Declaration of  National Emergency at the Border .   He said he wood* and he did .   Next, it was all those BILLIONAIRES "in the background" that will be "in the foreground" as conditions warrant ESPECIALLY when the Tax-Break is being considered .  Us poor folk have NO CHANCE at a System of Change that will TAX the FILTHY Rich .   Thank you democracy .


Monday, January 20, 2025

I have a SCHEME

                       On Martin Luther King's DAY --trump will be 'sworn in' .   

                Here it is in plain View >>>      "I HAVE A DREAM"  versus I HAVE A SCHEME .

                I'm-gonna watch the Inauguration to see who does NOT attend, whom I will consider DAUNTLESS PATRIOTS !!!!!!!!!   

                If you attend this Inauguration it means that you >>>ACTIVELY SPONSOR<<< "Criminal TREASONOUS    INSANITY !!!!!!!!       Now-- does that make YOU a TREASONOUS CRIMINAL   FUCK-UP  ??????????   Why YES~~~ it sure does !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Cobbler

                        In the Universe within the Universe who the fuck is "In Charge" of "Work / Reward" 'fecundity' ?   I've asked if my MIND is responsible --- that there may-be a "Psycho-Kinetic" `pandemonium` that is itself a manipulation of my Mental Energies --- a one that USES 'Chaos' in order to establish ORDER .   I mean it this way :   I INTENTIONALLY deposit freelance Chaos in an UnConscious INTENTIONAL Manner, bc I KNOW  I will "get to it eventually" but when I DO NOT the Universe {one of my Other Minds} "steps in" to adjudicate my slothful aggravations .    The short of THAT is :  "I did this to myself" but what about the electrical Interference ?   Is MAGIC the only thing that remains ????

               Recall the story of the Cobbler who set aside his work after a grueling day and found them the next morning [the shoes that is] ALREADY repaired .   "Aid from the Super-Natural"  is that what I have inadvertently uncovered ??????

Saturn 9

                When  I  completed  all  the  tasks  and  vacuumed  the  floor  I  took  a  moment to plug in the Pelonis ... .   I flipped the toggle---- guess what happened (?) ---  go ahead --- guess .

               Now please tell me exactly HOW and WHY the unit fired and is 'running' in its operational splendor ?????   How >>>EXACTLY<<< did clearing and cleaning the Tools' Room EFFECT the clearly malfunctioning disposition of the Pelonis ????  Who "UP-THERE" is fucking with an old man ???????

             The Message from the Pelonis was this {If you want the Peolonis to operate} "CLEAR AND CLEAN YOUR FUCKING TOOLS' ROOM " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

             2   Questions : :  How can that BE ????????????????  


Room Full Of Blues

                       I looked around , although the Tools' Room was completely functional there were "hot spots" of controlled Chaos that were eyesores of the POKE measure .   Ya know, "Out of sight, out of mind" ? --- well these spots were IN-YOUR-FACE- Injurious .   I committed myself to an OVERHAUL .  Now 'clearing' is one of several Buddhist "Ultimates"* since Order MAY result in "Peace Of Mind" .   I set about with "verve and vigor" and before I knew it, those Hot Spots were still there .   I redoubled my Efforts only to find THEY WERE STILL THERE  !!!!!!!!   There's a 'line' for that, "YA CAN'T GET GOOD AT THE BIBLE BY READING COMIC BOOKS".   

             The problem was I had to "make space" so that what I moved cood be located PROPERLY .

             I needed to become a Space Man .

The DAZE "Of Our Lives"

                       I HAD-TA figure it was the Universe that was "sending a message" but WTF ????????  How is it that an antique heating device became [becomes] a "Vehicle" for Information Transport ???   

             I was >>>>stymied<<<< .   I mean it this way ,   I waz-gonna simply snip the cord bc IT had value as a three point "lead" -- a something I cood use to update another cord .   BUT  --- there was something in my head that ABSOLUTELY prevented that mistake .   I WANTED-TO but just COOD NOT .   The Universe would NOT allow such careless deceit .   It stayed on my work-bench for a couple of DAZE !!!!!


"Mystery Achievement"

                       Let's "do the math" .  2025 minus 1988 =   Uhm let's start with "11"  --  add 14 that's 6.12 subtract 10 now we're at 37 .   The unit is an antique-y 37 years old and PLEASE don't correct me if I'm rwong .

            I dug out my electricity continuity probes and they failed beautifully so I had to rely on the "tried and true" technique of just banging it on the concrete floor .   Guess what happened, go ahead  .....  guess .


            I'm tellin' you qidz IT'S THE UNIVERSE FUCKING WITH ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            I screwed on the cowling -- set it upright and flipped the toggle switch --->  FRESH HOT AIR !!

            How and even MORE WORSER  >>>>>>>>>   WHY ??????!!!!!!!!!!!!

WATTS rwong ???

                       There's a Domain of Energy that the Ancient Chinese referred to as "The Unknown Quarter" and also, "The Invisible Realm" .    When objects or items enter Reality with the Force of Mystery they are said to be "From" this Quarter and/or Realm .    Now, when energies of Reality are neutralized so that they cannot function in Reality, this too is the result of "Unseen Forces" .   I had-ta figure that these "Unseen Forces" were actually "delivered" by a Universe intent upon manipulating the Conscious of an unsuspecting Reality participant, {in this instance, ME} .  

               I have a Pelonis "safe-t-furnace" "the original" model 1450 w outta the DEL-RAIN CORP     Niagara Falls, N.Y .  You read it rite* --ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY WATTS ... .  It's a piece of the SUN !!!! .   It was manufactured in 10/88 and it is a BEAST !!!   It was operational until it wasn't --- the fan stopped working for some reason or another {The UNIVERSE maybe} and it is so valuable to me I just HAS-TA remove the cowling from the chassis to see if a wire or something had become dislodged .   I cood* see nothing out of place and it was further perplexing bc the fan 'worked' by itself [the unit doubles as a fan] --- so how cood it NOT when the heater function is engaged ???

Saturday, January 18, 2025


                       Folks have somehow forgotten what Bannon forecast ;   The TOTAL and COMPLETE >>>DESTRUCTION<<< of ALL INSTITUTIONS of Democracy "Beam by Beam" and "Nail by Nail" .   His "representatives" of the Cabinet are nothing more, and CERTAINLY no less than,, "hatchet men" of the most HEINOUS "Despicability" .   I'd use the word >Thug< but it would imply a Romanticism of the "Elliot Ness and his Untouchables" `genre` --- a one wherein "Cops and Robbers" was "played out" not only on the Streets but in Movie Theaters as well .   Not gonna attach that kind of 'Cred' to Thug even though its {his} opposite is the Valor-laden Cadre that was the "Untouchables".   Thug is the Mindless Slave Oriented KILLER who knows no 'other' than OBEDIENCE and Submission .   

             Thug-ism as part of Trumpism ?    Works  for me .

"Tits on a bull"

                       Recall that after trump's first inauguration One MILLION Females invaded the Area to PROTEST trump's Election--- I mean that this way : "spilt milk" .   Remember the Advice , "Don't cry over spilt milk" ?   

          I know of no "Rally" that has been planned for Inauguration Day ---indeed,, The majority of democraps* WILL attend it, AS IF , Democracy will still flourish when trump gets "Sworn in".    Attendance of (at) the inauguration is PROOF of APPROVAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          NOT ONE  democRAT  should  attend  ANY  'event'  sponsored  by  NAZI  Trash  and Pro-Plantation -ists .   SEND THE MESSAGE "WE AIN'T-GONNA TAKE IT" .   But shit qidz,  we KNOW  they will , they are as useless as "Tits on a bull" .

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Cruelty as Ideology

                       What I can't "get my head around" is tump + his fellow Neo-Nazis 'raw HATRED of Jews that somehow gets "suspended" when netanyahu tells the World that he intends to annex the West Bank--- a concept {CON cept} which trump seeks to support .   I don't get it .   "It" doesn't make any Sense unless one views his strategy as a March that brings with it, Chaos, Destruction and Cruelest Violence that can be conceived by a human Mind .   We're back at it -  Cruelty as Ideology . 

"What the fuck is the Plan, Stan" ?????

                       It's just so fucking INTERESTING, that the Holiest, most Sacred Land on the Planet is actually "Hell On Earth" .   In the midst of Hostage Release I wanna know WHO iz-gonna ARREST Netanyahu for his WAR CRIMES .   Next, I wannna-know if the UN iz-gonna have ANY Participation in the Defense of Gaza AGAINST the Israeli >>INVASION<< of  the West Bank .  Indeed, who is to form an appropriately representative Government that can help determine the trajectory of    [[[Palestinian]]] Recovery ????    When you listen to the BYG* and Planetary SUPER-BRAINS they have NO >Regard< for Palestinian Self-Sovereignty and insist that fellow Islamists ---other Arab Nations--- MUST {{{somehow}}}  "take Control" over the effected and AFFECTED Territories .   Shouldn't the UN be at least PARTIALLY >>>> Important <<<<< ?   

Tuesday, January 14, 2025


                       There's a "case to be made" that offers a "stance" or "position" that will Aid in the maintenance of the Status Quo by the {decadent} Bourgeoisie and it is only PARTIALLY antagonistic to one's own 'self-esteem' .   It's outta* Catch-22 by my Hero, Joseph Heller :   "It" can be short-typed* with , "When in Rome, do as the Romans " .   I'm too lazy to look up page + chapter , but it's the scene where Nately {I THINK it's Nately} who interrogates an old OLDE man about his convictions regarding first the Nazi "take-over" and then the American's.   Nately seeks to chide this old man into saying that America is / was "The Greatest Nation On Earth" .   The old man retorts :   "When the Nazi's were in Power I was FANATICALLY Nazi, now that the Americans are here, I am FANATICALLY American ."  Nately scoffs at such "garbage" and insists that "America FIRST" is "the way to go" .  The old OLDE Man then 'beats on' Nately :  "How long will America last ? ... a hundred years ~~~ two" ??  He continues, "ALL Empires have fallen and the American Empire will fall too ."   

"Ya can't fix STUPID"

                       Thing is, wood* ANYONE sacrifice their FAMILY for "The Good of the Nation" ???    I-GOTTA "Go" with, "No fucking way" .   The Bourgeois State, the Administration of the Status Quo, is NOT "inclined" for ANY "rough housing" WHATSOEVER , [what] they want is "Easy" "Like a Sunday Morning" .   But ya know what Qidz ?  They are just being >>normal<< for who wood sacrifice their family for a "Just" and "Noble" Cause ???   "We the People" WANT >>to  BELIEVE that the Congress is partially composed of Men and Women >>>of HONOR<<< yet to do so reveals a HORRENDOUS Naivety that borders on ABSOLUTE Stupidity .   I repeat , the Manifestations of Virtues and Virtuous Conduct will NOT "put bread on the table" and to "Stand Against" the Incoming TSUNAMI is to expose oneself and one's family to CERTAIN >>>>>>>>>>> DEATH .   I mean shit, I don't like it, but as Bruce Hornsby and the Range put it :  "That's Just The Way It is".

Cowards all, and to the last

                Half the time "About Writing" is to keep my Mind Clear .   This morning I feel Anger, Resentment and Bitterness because the democraps , don't know "How To Fight" and steadfastly refuse to learn .   You'd think that after getting your face slapped and your balls kicked like a ZILLION times, you'd wanna LEARN "How To Fight" even if it's for nothing other than SELF-Protection --- but no oh No .   I resent the Congress folks who hide their COWARDICE within the words of propagandal Rhetoric .  OBVIOUSLY they "Talk-the-Talk" but refuse to "Walk-the-Walk" [into Combat] .   They are PATHETIC .

Saturday, January 11, 2025


                       Imagination did NOT help me to answer, "HOW do you make steak from hamburg" meaning :   HOW do you "get" trumpists to "come to their senses" and disavow Trumpism ????  BELIEVE me I have taken EXCRUCIATING pains to locate even ONE answer .   Nothin' .....

               So now ya-gotta realize that Imagination is NOT  >omnipresent< { I like to pronounce this as om-nip-pre-sent } --- that somehow there is [perhaps] something that obstructs its movement .    {I don't know about your, but when I TRY to WILL Imagination into my Reality I, most often, come-up* with Emptiness and NOT the "good kind" neither .  Effort without Results is GALLING  as I'm CERTAIN you gyze* know .   

                 Here's a Cosmic Absolute :   YOU AIN'T-GONNA MAKE STEAK FROM HAMBURG !!!

                 If you look, what is to be found that can supplant Imagination ?????  

"Get 'The Man' Off Your Back"

                       I  KNOW  It's  be   FUCKED-UP   if   Diabolicism*  had,  as  one  of  its  components,,   -> Imagination --- but how can it NOT ?   In  >general-speaking Psyche< there is this : "Ya-gotta 'Think outside the box' " :::  where 'box' is the Status Quo and for "m,m, my Generation" the Latin was supplanted by "System";;  and my fav  ---> "The Man" .   

               One of our Pet Beliefs was [that] "You HAD-TO 'Get the Man' off your back."  "Thinking outside the box" meant     QUESTIONING AUTHORITY    on ALL its 'Levels'  --- indeed "Question Authority" was a popular 'bumper-sticker' .   

               I mean 'it' this way :   Were there "answers" to the Box's Problems, and, if so, were they INSIDE or OUTSIDE the 'Box' ???    Since we weren't about to Trust ANYONE "over 30" you can see that the general flow of agreement was toward  Answers OUTSIDE the Box .   Those were the Days of Civil Unrest due to Racism and {of course} Vietnam .   

Indecent Suppose-al

                        Ya tread into a {fucking} quagmire when you 'connect' Imagination with Delusion .   Somehow, Delusion NEEDS Imagination so that it can fully manifest within one's Psyche .   Here it is were the Democraps* HAD NO CLUE of what Jose and Juanita REALLY >>>Needed<<< to FEEL "good" about voting "Blue" .   When G.I. Joe and G.I. Barbie made it to human corporeality* they were NOT   >Receptive< to the Blue Wake, the exact opposite actually .   Once they heard about these supposed VIOLATIONS of Democratic Exotericism*,,, {all that Ideational PROPAGANDA} they IGNORED the THREAT they did not and COOD not Perceive .   Patriotism appeared to them as just more bullshit .  

          I know this, bc I KNOW This . 

The Art of Scam

                       I scared the "FUCK" out of myself yesterday while watching that JOKE they tagged as a "Conviction"------it HIT me that I may DIE while trump is in office :   a CONVICTED FELON as potus -a something that  was UN-IMAGINABLE and IN-CONCEIVABLE as well .    Ya-gotta-figure that the Founding Beer Swillers also COULD NOT HAVE IMAGINED A TIME WHEN A CONVICTED FELON COULD ASCEND TO THE HIGHEST OFFICE  ON THE PLANET .

               I mean shit, is there ANY Human Mind that cood* conceive of such a BLASPHEMIC* CATASTROPHE ???? !!!!!!!   ...doubt it .

               I contend that this very lack (poor choice) of Imagination is ONE of the Causes of Democracy FAILURE,  and I also argue that 'lack-of-Imagination' is a Manifestation of Status Quo GRAVITY, in that Creative Energies CAN'T "escape" and as a result dim-wittedness occupies the Modern Psyche of 99% of the American People-ation* .   

              Was it Hermann Hesse who grieved, "A Society rests upon its Artists and its CRIMINALS"  ?

               You can see it, rite* ?



                       Trump's gonna Appeal the Conviction to the scotus --- I suspect they will overturn it to free him from that  -for lack of a better word-  stigma .    Here it is where trump can easily hire a writer to record his VICTORY over  -what he sees as-  a corrupted justice system .   "To the Victor go the spoils."

Limb Bough

                        Yesterday I excised a dead limb from a 30-40 foot* Maple .   I had to use my poles and pole saw bc the positioning of the ladder was suspect due to the potential damage the limb would cause from a straight [chain saw] cut .   I had to give this cut some hard thinking bc of said potential damage to the ladder, the shed and an overhang that protects one of my table saws {I have three} .   I didn't want to use the tiny electric bc of the length of cord required [which becomes a hazard {risk}] when climbing up and down in the ladder .]  which meant my only recourse was to saw through 8 inches of limb with my pole saw .   It [the height of the limb] required two 6 foot lengths .   I confess :  'It' was a struggle .   I'm old and SOOOO  much weaker than I want to believe .   There was nothing to do but fight to release every Effort .   I mean it this way :   I wasn't Humiliated by my Weakness but CLOSE---ever so fucking CLOSE .  'It' was inside of me but `getting`  IT , "Aye, THERE'S the rub" .

Friday, January 10, 2025

Kali Fornia

                       I'm surprised the "Lunatic Fringe" has not tagged the {Biblical} Conflagration in California as a "Sodom and Gomorrah" "re-make" .   Has God changed His Mind from blessing California as the "Land  of  Milk  and  Honey"  to  a  Land  of  wanton  Perversion,  Greed , Avarice,  and  just  ol' reg'lar Moral Decrepitude ???   Ya-gotta wonder.

              I shook my head to clear it----sorta .   For some of us of Jungian 'bent' -- the Conflagration is an event of [Jung's] "Synchronicity" , "Meaningful Coincidence" .    As trumpism is CONSUMING Democracy with Horrific Fury so too the "Hell On Earth" "blitzkrieg" now advancing upon California  {Kali Fornia} .   Here it is where THOUSANDS intone , "They brought it on themselves."  I am hard-pressed not to agree .

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

In God We Rust

                       The Moron provided this syllogism :  "If God is Truth, then,, is Truth God ?"

"Heart Of Darkness"

                       Some  folks  insist  we  gotta  "go with your gut reaction", others chime, "What's in your Heart ?" --what does IT 'say' ?" -- few are fond of advising "Use LOGIC and Higher Order Reasoning to solve difficult Problems"  mainly bc no one has ever heard, "LOGIC is the Key" [to Understanding] .     

               You  gotta  ask,  "Can Feelings and Emotions"   ACTUALLY   govern  one's day-to-day exploitations* ?   I mean it this way :   "Shit yeah" and HELL NO " .   Can Feelings And Emotions be TRUSTED ?   OMG that's SOOOOO funny .  Of course they can and NO FUCKING WAY .   

               Uhhhh   Houston ?   We have a Problem .

"Fibber McGee and Molly"

                       I had to "look up" >> fib<< to see if it had a noun to tag `one who fibs` --- there is and it's "fibber" which then allowed "Fibber McGee and Molly" to surface from my childhood TV viewing .   

               Along with "fib" is{are} "white lies", half Truths, PARTIAL Truths,, inaccuracies,, and inconsistencies .   I am partial to "white lies" bc of Nils Lofgren and his "1+1" album/cd which features "White Lies" as its opening tract .   {Apparently Nils's  'main squeeze' is quite fond of telling his and her friends that Nils is in Love with her---also a PARTIAL Truth, which Nils exploits with happy conviction . But I digress.} 

               Elsewhere I have described Miles Davis as playing in the key of What-the-fuck .   In his Music Miles "bends" each note to achieve a singular sound .  Know that each note has 'flats' and 'sharps' half-note below and above the prime note .   The notes are "bent" in this instance and I liken THAT to the Truth being "bent" as well .   White lies and fibs "bend" the Truth to accommodate the context in which they are used .   Here it is where "bending the Truth is pure and unadulterated GENIUS --- and now this --->  Bending the Truth is a FUNCTION of Genius !!!  Anyone see THAT coming ??? Me neither .


"Honesty is the best" Fallacy

                       What are we to do with THAT ???   Are we still-gonna teach it as NECESSARY ?    CLEARLY , Honesty is NOT "the best Policy" because if you get caught, being Honest MEANS being PUNISHED --- whereas Truth-Telling is NOT >>>Rewarded .   I heard a TV criminal spit ;   "It's only a crime IF YOU GET CAUGHT !!!!!!!   ALL of us KNOW that >>Lying<< is SOOOOOO much Ez-er than telling the Truth --as if [and as though] Lying is "2nd Nature"-- so embedded in our Psyche as it is .   

          Exactly HOW are Teachers to condemn Lying in favor of Truth Telling-- when the most powerful "man"  on the  Planet  is  a  CONVICTED FELON ???????   Truth did NOT "get him there"--but LYING did .   So now we must admit :  "LYING is the best Policy" .


                       I contrived > Street Truth < to convey the day-to-day self-communications and those communications we use in everyday, common, exchanges that fall WAY short of "Social Intercourse".   I insist that folks do NOT "Value" Truth as Truth SHOULD-BE Valued ~~~  I believe a V---A---S---T of Americans DON'T WANT any form of Truth that registers AGAINST their FEELINGS, hence the careless disregard for Mirrors and Scales .   Folks DO NOT want to see themselves as cows and hippos ---DO NOT want to step on ANY scale BECAUSE THE TRUTH HURTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!  Here it is where the Truth is actually HARMFUL to one's Self-Image {and, therefore, Ego} .   In this particular, TRUTH MUST BE AVOIDED AT ALL COST .   You can see it, rite* ?

Street Truth

                       Some time ago I proffered an Argument that claimed [that] there is {really} no need of Truth,,  I cited the "Dark Ages" as evidence .   I believe that we are now  completely enmeshed in a NU* "Dark Ages" also somewhat devoid of Truth as well .   I'm thinkin' there MUST be parallels, however, since there were no "book burnings"* {that I can fitfully recall} that DOESN'T mean that the so-called "Written Word" was held as >>> inviolable;  BUT,  throughout what was to be Europe, monasteries and cloisters pursued the PROTECTION of Sacred Texts by laborious transcription .   Here it is where Priests and Monks were Guardians of said Texts, and we can thank them for their Devotion to preserve these Tomes .

             The Question is, in THESE Times where will {Street} Truth reside ?????

A eye

                       We  must prepare ourselves for a Reality devoid of Truth and one of its manifestations, Facts .   The Reliance upon Truth appears to be supplanted by Feelings, Emotions, and Sensations .   Here it is where  "We act according to the way we see things"  now  becomes, We  act  according  to  how [and what] we FEEL .   Another manifestation of Truth is 'Evidence' but with the insertion of AI in ALL aspects of Communication, even CCTV will fall victim to AI and other tech manipulation(s) .   If course Truth will still exist, but only as Platonic Ideation*.   

              With the advent and insertion of AI into the Communications Domain, Propaganda will FLOURISH !!!!   

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

STD = Social Traumatic Dysfunction


                       I confess :   I  am  exhausted  by  my  Efforts  to  remain  SANE  in  the  American Asylum .   I have >> Wonders .   I Wonder what the Effects of incessant >> Fighting has upon valiant Combatants and brave Warriors who steadfastly pursue the "Right" and the "Good" .   I mean it this way :  How fucking HEALTHY is it to "Fight" to uphold Standards and Values that have now been nearly RUINED by HALF-A-NATION ?????????   Besides THAT, there is cringing Belief that no matter WHAT {the fuck} we do -- "IT"  will be to no avail----  I mean, THAT, rite there is a Spirit deaden-er* .   

                I NEED to leave u qidz on what cood be imagined as a "positive note" .   I steal from one Ancient Chinese Master who supplied this admonition/exhortation :  "DO NOT GIVE UP" !!!!!!

Rock Steady, Steady Az She Goze


The Dallier*

                       Recently {as in a few seconds ago} I have become enamored with the word, "contrivance" since it allows "half-assed" a semblance of {shameful} dignity .   Here, I use one of its definitions = scheme .   I supplement scheme with ill-considered and the image I call upon is that of "a Band-Aid on a bleeding artery" .    I posit that there are MANY political "solutions" that can be tagged with "contrivance" a Something a TRUE Thinker, those that brings things to their LOGICAL Conclusion, wood rabidly askew .   Here it is where an Enlightened Despot is a THINKER and, in the Best EASTERN {Buddhist} Sense, a NON-Thinker .     Here Solutions to Problems DEMAND Mental Exaction and a WILLINGNESS to exercise WISDOM-BASED JUDGEMENTS that they may Satisfy the Needs of the People with unblemished Compassionate Ferocity .   

The Moron

                       Allow me to quote The Moron : "Ya-gotta figure that Socialism is the next LOGICAL `assertion` of Democracy Rule" .   I agree with The Moron .   However, any Evolutionary Advance of Democracy into "Socialist Democracy" is fraught with Mental >>>>entanglements , which causes [some sort of ]  Dis-Belief {which I must characterize as DYS-Belief (using the D-y-s from >>Dystopia). in that many folks do NOT have even the slightest "Sense" of Socialism .   {The Moron said, "It ain't Communism if the People do NOT "Own" even ONE fucking thing."}  

             I like The Moron,  he reminds me of me .

Le Penseur


                       The so-called {by ME} `Writing Dynamic` supplies us the latitude to present multiple 'images' of Post-Democracy Attribution, the likes of which SHOULD 'incorporate' Ashoka, Hammurabi, and  {for what IT's worth}  Monsieur  Le Penseur  =  "The  Thinker"  [sculpted by Auguste Rodin (1880-1881)] .   This "IT" necessitates the re-Introduction of Machiavelli's The Prince in that Machiavelli "imagined" the "Enlightened Despot" to be the ABSOLUTE BEST of all Rulers .

             `Militant Idealism` DEMANDS an Ethical and Moral Trajectory toward Utopia .   The Enlightened Depot is such a(n) One whose Background MAY have a plethora of mistakes, flaws, deformations and such, but whose Experience neutralizes all Negativity from every quarter including the "Invisible Realm" .   It may be needless to report that I favor Generals instead of Philosophers, Poets and transient intellectual riff-raff * {whose Street Smart exuberance {what a poor choice} GUARANTEES a "Wisdom" based upon Survival Skills .   So it is that I favor Ahoka and General and President Dwight Eisenhower [who, incidentally, viewed the War in Europe as a {get this} "Crusade"] .



"They shoot horses, don't they ?"

                       In Ancient Sparta, deformed and even just sickly, infants were cast down to their death from a cliff or ledge .   To use the word "harsh" is a piss-poor treatment of a MASSIVELY Egregious Intolerance of Weakness .   OBVIOUSLY, Spartans were EXTREME --- I have no interest in summarily discharging Democracy is such an Unholy Manner and yet...............and yet .

            Elsewhere I have theorized that the DNA of Democracy is rife with Genetic Flaws --- rich among them the GUARANTEE of Minority PROTECTION --- I argue that this "Protection" was, in FACT, the Downfall of American Democracy since "Protection of the Minority" is what allowed Propagandal* "Freedom of Speech" and the Rule of the Minority -- a somewhat blasphemic* >>>Posture<<< given the Constitution and ITS >>>>>>>>>>> LAWS .   

            It was Democracy which GUARANTEED the Rise of ANTI-DEMOCRACY  Nihilism .  Democracy elected trump .   "Seeing is Believing".


                       Harris's  >Thing<  is to remind us{somewhat incessantly} that "Democracy is fragile" and that it `requires` unrelenting Vigilance if it is to be sustained in a HEALTHY manner .    The FACT that "Democracy is fragile" elicits [in me] the STRONGEST Reaction [RE-Action] of Contempt { a SNEERING - SCOWLING Contempt} .   Why {the fuck} should we 'protect' a 'something' whose very existence depends upon UNRELENTING VIGILANCE ?   Should we not exert ourselves in an Effort to find ANOTHER System of Governance that requires LESS >>>>>>>>>> Attention ???   It strikes me that Harris and hers consider Democracy as an Infant, a something WHOLLY inappropriate given Democracy's Age [if we place its REAL infancy to the Athens of Ancient Greece] .


Country Joe and the Fish

                      "What the hell are we fighting for ?"   That question SHOULD be answered as "Self-Evident" but I am hard-pressed to rely upon Common Sense and other order Reasoning, since despite being OBVIOUS,,  the Truth remains blanketed by Propaganda and a wretchedly vibrant Ignorance based upon relentless {Criminal} Stupidity .   Remember this one ? --->  "You can't fix Stupid" .

The Enemy Within

                       Harris and hers want us "to keep fighting" [for Democracy] -- Wallace and hers agree but they haven't supplied the {fucking} HOW !   Exactly HOW are we to >>> fight ?   

            There are every manner of questions that MUST be asked if ANY Efforts [to thwart trump] are to be exercised in order to re-establish ORDER in the Governance of a Divided Nation .   Who [and what] are we suppose-to fight ?   What are our weapons [if we have any at all] ?   What is the Nature of this Fight, meaning, is it a Fight to change Minds ?  A Fight to neutralize Ignorance and Stupidity ?  A Fight to lessen Human Corruption ?   These are question that came to Mind as Wallace and hers spewed forth the quasi exhortation to once more, "Enter the breech" {as Shakespeare contorted} .

"The Weakest Link"

                       Wallace and hers praised Harris for a graceful and dignified relinquishment of Governmental Authority --- a 'something' I wood have done MUCH differently .   All >> I << saw was the democraps with their tail between their legs trying to impress trumpists on the [TRUE] nature of power transition, which I'm CERTAIN they laughed at .   It was "the same old, Same Old" with the 'rats' scurrying about in a GIANT "Pity Pot" .   Nowhere was Strength of Will evident in ANY Form, such is the true nature of democraptic* insolvency .   

Wall Ace


                        I didn't write about 1 -6  yesterday, it wood* have been physically punishing and mentally agonizing .   I mean shit, what else can be said about a SUCCESSFUL Insurrection in which the 'Stars and Bars" was paraded in the Capital as VICTORY Celebration .   I write today bc of Nicole Wallace's Program yesterday at dusk .   She [and hers] has [have] steadfastly* maintained a Commitment to report the Truth, which is intended to neutralize the Propaganda broadcast by fox "news" .   She has insisted that trump's Insurrection NOT be "white-washed" , where "white-washing" is a `proposition` that manifests as "an attempt to make 'normal' " trump's Criminal Imbecility .   Her and hers are to be commended for their Will .   However, there are Problems . 

Monday, January 6, 2025

The Dump

                       Uze-gyze* aint-gonna believe this BUT --- after "changin'-out" the spark plug and and rinsin'-out* the fuel cell and after heating it with a space heater and a Rubbermaid 20 gallon container [as hood] the McCulloch started AFTER JUST TH-R-EE PULLS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

               I am inwardly EXALTING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

               I discovered this Saw IN A DUMP  !!!  Someone had taken care enough to protect the chain with duct tape AND the entire saw was surprising Clean .   There had to be a reason----I figured the cylinder was stuck--it wasn't .   I checked the Vitals---all good ~~~~~~~ I could test it with fresh fuel-mix -- which I did when I returned home .   It took more than a few pulls but then it 'coughed', then sputtered, then FIRED !!!!!!!  I now was now  in possession of an ANTIQUE {fully operational} OLD SCHOOL McCulloch just like the one I learned to wield when I was 12 .   

              Want another word for MIRACLE ?????   McCulloch Model 600041U .  Plus, if it can GET any better, it "ran" a .404 chain -  which is almost MASSIVE .

               The BYG* Thing about this Saw is it's 'Low-End POWER'.   I mean it this way ;   This Saw is a MONSTER !!!!!!!!!! a True BEAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   This Saw can do SERIOUS Damage when it's just above IDLE !!!!!!!!!  I shyt you not .


The Trinity

                       The O-26 fired instantly but did NOT stay running .   I didn't try the McCulloch bc it's been on the shed floor tucked away since last Spring, plus, it has pull-cord issues .  The Stihl MAY have fuel filter complications if gasoline coagulation [due to the corn syrup they add to it] can be considered a 'complication' .   I'm-gonna remove the filter and replace it anyway, it's been a long time,,,,,same with the spark plug .   The SOP on this is to work-over the Problem as SIMPLISTICALLY as possible .  In ALL gas powered, naturally aspirated engines, you NEED three (3) 'things' :  Air, Fuel and Spark .   The BYG* TH-R-EE* are COSMIC ABSOLUTES .    In Life it's Simple :   Food -- Water -- Air .  Of course it helps when the Air is Clean, the Water Pure and the Food plentiful .  

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Starting the Starter

                       I'm leaving this account bc I want to try to fire the Stihl and the McCulloch before I run out of enthusiasm .   It's a fucking SCORCHING  31 degrees and I am PSYCHED !!!

             Know this Young Folks =  your Strength WILL ` Fade `  as you Age .  No one here escapes .

See Saws

                       Here are my saws and their weights :   Stihl O26  16 lbs. -- Dolmar Stone Cutter  30 lbs. -- Dolmar PS 510 17 lbs.  -- Dolmar PS 6000 i  21 lbs. --McCulloch  21 lbs. -- Remington 8 inch 7 lbs. --14 inch 7 lbs.    So;  "Why all the saws?"   

           I wanted my first saw to be a Stihl O24, a "smaller" type saw that I would use as my "Climbing Saw" , the one you take up into the tree --- but Steve Stewart, the owner of the Shop, convinced me to get the O26 because it was stronger [more Horsepower] {Power to Weight Ratio} than the O24, for ALMOST the same price   ----------->   that's what I bought and I never regretted it .

           The PROBLEM with having just ONE saw is that if it gets "bound up",  caught, as it were, by a VISE gripping log, you can't just yank it out, you gotta either jack it loose or use a "come-along" to free it, whereas with a second saw you can just cut it out .   But with THAT comes EXPENSE .   The Plan was for a 2 saw Operation with the second saw of MUCH greater bar length--- but  THAT  required another   3  or  for   'bills'   --- nothing  I  had  at  that  time .   SOLUTION ?   Don't  get  that  fucking saw STUCK !

Lead Feathers

                       I feel compelled to write about the saws bc starting them is a Mind-Body EVENT .   I mean IT SHOULDN'T BE bc I have so MANY years as a chainsaw-man* ,, and it SHOULD be "Second Nature" {and therefore EFFORTLESS} to 'manhandle' the units but I-GOTTA-TELL-YA ===> it AIN'T .

           I want to prepare UZE GYZE for what I once figured would NEVER "happen" to me ;  being so weak I wouldn't be able to work with them .  I have two Electrics, both `Remingtons`, one with an 8 inch bar, the other a [get this] FOURTEEN inch-er .  I use them for the pallets, bc the BYG saws are just TOO unwieldy for close work,, PLUS, they are lite* as lead feathers .  

            It's is NOT 'as if' ALL my true Strength has age-evaporated, but most tasks require, nay DEMAND, --->Thought<---  BEFORE attempting an endeavor where weight and movement are abject considerations .   OBVIOUSLY, 'it' never use-ta be a  MENTAL  Process,  "Just Do It"  was  all  that  I needed .  "Not no more" .  

The Yank-ee

                       I got the most important saw chains sharpened and the saws [themselves] running ~~~I know what you qidz are thinking =  "So fucking what ?" ~~~ and you wouldn't be 'far-off'--- thing is, I'M OLDE and yanking the pull cords in Wind-Chill Factor 10 degrees is NO small accomplishment .    It's Chain Saw Season bc the ground is frozen and there are no leaves remaining on any of the clusterfuck* trees that occupy the SSW corner of the Property .   Every year at this time I wonder if I'll have the muscle needed to Yank , especially the BYG* Dolmar .    It's NOT 'like' the Summer,, where the mower pulls are made EZ by tech-assist, plus, it's WARM --- the body loose the muscles and ligaments prepared .