Monday, January 27, 2025

"Winner Takes All"

                       From the Beginning COMPETITION was and remains the FOUNDATION of American Political Existence .    Political Parties MUST be "at odds" with one another IF democracy is to function AS IT WAS DESIGNED .   "At odds" is soft for DIRECT CONFRONTATION a something that politicians wish to AVOID ---AT ALL COST .   Here it is where "The Will of the People" becomes some sort of Apparition -- a something that's "Out There" but whose significance is muted due to the PERSONAL Will of politicians .   Democracy is suppose to reside in the Dynamic that is referred to as "Compromise" --- but this Dynamic is Foundationed* upon MUTUAL RESPECT and DEVOTION to the Constitution of the United States --- when there is [and can be no] Respect for one another the entire Political System is hobbled if not Crippled .  You can see it rite ?   When the TRUTH of Human Equality {I Respect you bc you and I are HUMAN BEINGS} is forfeited, THERE CAN BE NO TRUE DEMOCRACY .  

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