Monday, January 20, 2025

WATTS rwong ???

                       There's a Domain of Energy that the Ancient Chinese referred to as "The Unknown Quarter" and also, "The Invisible Realm" .    When objects or items enter Reality with the Force of Mystery they are said to be "From" this Quarter and/or Realm .    Now, when energies of Reality are neutralized so that they cannot function in Reality, this too is the result of "Unseen Forces" .   I had-ta figure that these "Unseen Forces" were actually "delivered" by a Universe intent upon manipulating the Conscious of an unsuspecting Reality participant, {in this instance, ME} .  

               I have a Pelonis "safe-t-furnace" "the original" model 1450 w outta the DEL-RAIN CORP     Niagara Falls, N.Y .  You read it rite* --ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY WATTS ... .  It's a piece of the SUN !!!! .   It was manufactured in 10/88 and it is a BEAST !!!   It was operational until it wasn't --- the fan stopped working for some reason or another {The UNIVERSE maybe} and it is so valuable to me I just HAS-TA remove the cowling from the chassis to see if a wire or something had become dislodged .   I cood* see nothing out of place and it was further perplexing bc the fan 'worked' by itself [the unit doubles as a fan] --- so how cood it NOT when the heater function is engaged ???

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