Monday, January 20, 2025

The Cobbler

                        In the Universe within the Universe who the fuck is "In Charge" of "Work / Reward" 'fecundity' ?   I've asked if my MIND is responsible --- that there may-be a "Psycho-Kinetic" `pandemonium` that is itself a manipulation of my Mental Energies --- a one that USES 'Chaos' in order to establish ORDER .   I mean it this way :   I INTENTIONALLY deposit freelance Chaos in an UnConscious INTENTIONAL Manner, bc I KNOW  I will "get to it eventually" but when I DO NOT the Universe {one of my Other Minds} "steps in" to adjudicate my slothful aggravations .    The short of THAT is :  "I did this to myself" but what about the electrical Interference ?   Is MAGIC the only thing that remains ????

               Recall the story of the Cobbler who set aside his work after a grueling day and found them the next morning [the shoes that is] ALREADY repaired .   "Aid from the Super-Natural"  is that what I have inadvertently uncovered ??????

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