I have made a claim that 'Suffering' can be 'managed' and pointed to the Noble 8-Fold Path as the Management Foundation . I have wondered if Hatred can be 'managed' as well and if so, how(?) .
Good, Honest and Decent Folks want to 'change the minds' of `Common-folk` Fascists -- I have argued, "You ain't-gonna make steak from hamburg" and I stand by that assessment . These folks are PASSIONATE where Passionate connotes a FANATICISM within which VIOLENCE is considered the ONLY form of Resolution . Look at this : Make War not Love .
We have Observed that Hatred begets {murderous} Violence --- question is, "How do we address, counter or neutralize this (type of) Primal AGGRESSION ? We KNOW that Direct Confrontation is futile --- recall "Love is Blind", Rage Blinds as does FURY . We KNOW that >> Truth << is of little or NO Consequence to Common-folk Fascists --- what then ,,, are we 'left with' ?????
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