Thursday, January 30, 2025

From "Get Smart" : KAOS vs CONTROL

                       The Media has used "Chaos" to describe the EFFECT of trump's Executive Orders [EO] but I don't think it "goes" "far enough" nor wide enough,, nor deep enough .   I attribute a "romantic" "value" to Chaos because there are sometimes when Mother Nature and Her Twin, Mother Earth generate Chaos recognized by Physicists as a Universal Absolute :   "Nature's Way is ALWAYS towards MASS ENTROPY" [where entropy MEANS Chaos ."  "First off" there ain't nothin' NATURAL about ANY of trump's EO's as they are recognized for their DELIBERATE Aspiration of Cruelty .   I prefer the tag of exPLOSION since exPLOSION accounts for HEINOUS Damage to the Human Psyche whereas Chaos is {generally} Accepted as "Nature's Way" a NATURAL Way we KNOW as DEFINITIVELY  a-political .  Trump has been lobbing "hand grenades" into the house and senate in his Effort to OBLITERATE what remains of Democracy Institutions and the Folks who operate within them .  

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