I'm certain there will be 'translation' discomfort . I am pleased that I am being read in 1-FOURTEEN Countries . {I want that to indicate that I have a "World Class" Mind but I dunno.} So it is that I desire to be Understood and Appreciated for my Efforts {but again, I dunno} . Is this the DEFINITION of Vanity ? Geezus, I hope not .
In the Time of Before, I made certain to inform my readers that my ULTIMATE Goal is to introduce ZEN to WORLD "Mainstream {Main-River} Conscious bc I BELIEVE that a DIAMOND Reality is partially composed of SPIRITUAL 'Facets' that can ease Suffering and Transform the Psyche to withstand the Heinous and do so with a Resolve that is STRENGTHENED by its own Exercise . When I cood* find no Zen to help US withstand War [on a DAILY basis] I moved my Mind to a Place where a {nu*} Zen cood be established -- that wood* do as Compliment to the Noble 8-Fold Path . I KNOW that to be ambitious but I am DEVOTED to the Teachings of Buddha which I will NEVER Abandon .
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