Yesterday I excised a dead limb from a 30-40 foot* Maple . I had to use my poles and pole saw bc the positioning of the ladder was suspect due to the potential damage the limb would cause from a straight [chain saw] cut . I had to give this cut some hard thinking bc of said potential damage to the ladder, the shed and an overhang that protects one of my table saws {I have three} . I didn't want to use the tiny electric bc of the length of cord required [which becomes a hazard {risk}] when climbing up and down in the ladder .] which meant my only recourse was to saw through 8 inches of limb with my pole saw . It [the height of the limb] required two 6 foot lengths . I confess : 'It' was a struggle . I'm old and SOOOO much weaker than I want to believe . There was nothing to do but fight to release every Effort . I mean it this way : I wasn't Humiliated by my Weakness but CLOSE---ever so fucking CLOSE . 'It' was inside of me but `getting` IT , "Aye, THERE'S the rub" .
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