I wanna know, what is the role of Jose and Juanita Q with regard to "The Fight" --what are we fighting FOR ? What, exactly, are we suppose "To Do" now that trumpism is "The Law Of The Land" ?
I mean it this way : Didn't we elect supposed OFFICIALS to Fight bc WE ARE AT WORK ???? Why, shood* WE "take on" the Role of our elected Offal -- I mean Officials -- ??? Fighting IS SUPPOSE TO BE THEIR JOB !!!!!!!!!!! Ya-gotta figure THEY DON'T WANT TO DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS mainly bc THEY GET PAID WHETHER OR NOT THEY DO ANYTHING . I HATE the "System" "on accounta" this THIS . There is NO >>>Incentive for them to do a goddamn fucking thing --so they don't .
"Skin in the game" becomes Skin in the Shame .
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