I have the URGE to change my 'style', check that, to ADD to my 'style' the 'versions' of 'other' 'manifestations' of the ego/self named Steve DeSilva . Since I began blogging I have held myself to the University Standards of my college days, considering myself a REPRESENTATIVE of the University of Connecticut's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences . For me. Writing is some sort of "Sacred Art" that must be Practiced with the Utmost of PRECISION Thinking which then generates LUCID `Presentations` . All those collegial `applications` have done nothing to raise the number of readers,,, which causes this : "If I was any good, I'd have a large 'following' " -- well I DON'T have a large following which then indicates --- I'm NOT >> good and worse-- I just maybe mediocre . Either way I WANT {DESIRE} more viewership and toward THIS end I am considering just "DOING MY THING" by allowing my Interior Others to express themselves .
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