Cheney said it best : {The REASON why} [we are in such deep shit] is because "We keep electing IDIOTS " . Does it "follow" {therefore} that IDIOTS are electing IDIOTS ? Ya-gotta wonder .
Has the absence of Truth actually corrupted Virtue ? Let's try that again, Without Truth CAN there be Virtue ???? Take 'that' down several notches and you must start looking at Common Sense and ITS erosion/evaporation . If Idiots lack [are devoid of] Common Sense is 'It' bc they lack [are devoid of] the ABILITY to recognize the importance of Truth ??? How can that be ??????? To discard, check that, to devalue Truth is to devalue almost everything upon which Truth is a PRIMAL Facet . I must insist that Truth and Virtue are INTIMATELY Bound --- No Truth ---> No Virtue .
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